
Some people don't place a premium on the biological content of their partner's pants. As inconceivable as it sounds to you, there are plenty of folks who figure they'll happily deal with whatever they find, once they get there. Maybe they're just more adventurous, I don't know.

I will preface this by saying that I am not a trans person and so my comments should be understood as someone who is an ally and someone who does have trans friends but I don't speak with the import of that lived experience.

There's this guy who has been my on-and-off booty call for a few years. I made it very clear that I didn't want a relationship way back when. Now, things are changing a bit for me. If I'm maybe ready to get serious about someone, he'd be on my shortlist. We've spent a good amount of time together - we have dinner

That was such a great part of the books - I wish that it had played itself out a little better in the show.

I think it might be partly cultural. I live in my bathing suit and half the pictures of me, I happen to be in a bathing suit. But I live in a warm climate and we have a pretty outdoorsy lifestyle. For me, a bathing suit is a functional outfit - not a sexy one.

The best way to do it is to stop asking what it means or how you're supposed to do it. If you want to stay, stay. If you wake up at 6am and want to leave, leave. It's my experience that as soo as you start having conversations about your feelings and expectations, it gets awkward. And if you can't do it without

Here in LA we play "Crazy or Rockstar" and also "Date or Daughter."

That's the perception. But my point is that the data indicate that being not-white isn't a good enough "hook" since it is, in fact, white women who benefit most from affirmative action programs.

There's an unspoken thread to this narrative. If white women are suffering, then the implication is that somehow women of color are not experiences the same phenomenon.

Ok, I don't like this decision any more than the rest of you but let's be clear: this means that before you are placed in the general inmate population, you can be strip searched by corrections officers. This does not mean that the cops strip search you at the time of arrest. This does not mean that you get strip

I wondered that as well - that's part of why I called today. I figure I'd give him an opening to say that maybe this weekend isn't so good after all.

Oh, thank you! That's actually very reassuring.

There's this guy that I dated a long time ago and we've been friends ever since. Friends who sometimes sleep together - when we're both single. But we're not great at keeping in touch when we're not in the same city. Last time I was in his town, we had so much fun together so I decided that I would Make an Effort.

Honestly, my situation totally fell apart. I feel like nothing I did meant anything at all because I wasn't able to prevent the harm that I was afraid of. But I'll tell you what, the good that you get isn't always the good that you wanted but that doesn't make it any less valuable. Good still came out of it.

You could give something like a necklace for all to wear at the ceremony. Or some kind of useful keepsake, a keychain or picture frame or something like that. I think the price depends on the budget of the wedding.

I think there's a difference between not doing what your parents want and the actual, brutal devastation of losing a child. And I think that you can tell the difference.

If you are anything like I was in a similar situation, you want to avoid a situation where you feel like you could have done more for him but you also want to avoid giving up so much that you resent him.

I think you are responsible for not breaking their hearts.

I think that self-care is important but I also think that part of self-care is fulfilling our responsibilities to those who love and care for us (even when they don't do so in the way that we would embrace). My grandmother can be mean, undermining, and manipulative. A few years ago she was telling me about her

Stay with me here... you remember the whole James Frey scandal? About how he exaggerated and fabricated portions of A Million Little Pieces? I was engaged to (and preparing to break up with) a newly-recovering addict at that time and all I could think was "no shit." Addicts lie. It's part of the disease and it