
The most successful living-together relationship I ever had always involved two bedrooms. Mine was a little thing with a twin bed but it was a place for my stuff with a door to close and bed for when I was feeling sick or grumpy or crowded. It was the perfect compromise for us (and would have been ideal with two

I have two sons (about your age) and I want to thank you for your service. It's a terrifying thing and I am grateful to you for choosing it anyway. I am sorry that this country can't offer you better opportunities and that's wrong but I do hope that the military will see your value and help you chart a path that you

May I ask you a question? There is a water aerobics class at my gym that I would very much like to take but it seems targeted to the elderly and overweight. Am I intruding on other people's safe exercise space by attending (if I am not the intended group)?

My experience is not the same as yours but I have other destructive habits. I have found that day-by-day is the only way. Whatever support you can find is great on top of that. But try for just the rest of tonight. And then try for tomorrow. And if you can't make it through tomorrow, try the day after that.

I think that apollonia666's response was articulate and an honest effort to respond to the question that you posted. I'm not sure why you would mock that.

I really enjoyed their relationship in the books so I was sad to see that it was presented very differently in the show. It sucks.

How little? Totoro is a great one (all ages, if you ask me).

My only suggestion is not a very helpful one. Is there any way to cut down your bills? Negotiate some sort of barter with your daycare (my mum did cleaning around my preschool in exchange for my tuition)?

I'll be honest. I went to a state law school and paid roughly that much per year. Maybe sit down with him and look at how much his monthly payments would be? My loan payments are now more than my rent each month. I make a lot of money and even for me it's not small potatoes. He might really prefer to have $1500 a

Can't he take out the loans himself?

As a lawyer who does recruiting for a big firm, I would much rather talk to you and your boyfriend about his band than about his job. I am looking for people who are interesting and well-rounded and believe me, 90% of the people that I meet are not even a little bit memorable because they want to talk shop the whole

I love the styles but I hear that the quality (fabric and workmanship) is terrible.

I use a trimmer on the lowest setting. Doesn't get bare but it's close enough for me.

I hadn't considered it seriously until my sister told me that she'd gotten it done and the only thing that looked different about her was that she didn't look gaunt and tired the way that I did. It's been totally worth cutting my spending on some other things (like expensive creams and washes) and I have not

I don't mind any of the opposition from people who truly refuse to interact with the natural existance of their bodies. I get that. It's philosophically sound and reasoned. It's not my view but I respect it.

For all of you who are so rigid in your judgment about people who do choose botox or other similar anti-aging tools, where do you draw your line and why? Moisturizer? Sunscreen? Exfoliation? Hair removal? Chemical peels?

I do Radiesse. It's natural ingredients and lasts about 6-9 months but the longer I have been doing it, the less frequently I need it. I have pretty deep lines (it's the Slavic in me) so I do a "half syringe" and it costs $500.

I was just like so many of you when I was in my 20s. I was convinced that I would age naturally and that would be a beautiful thing. And then one day I looked in the mirror and I didn't recognize my own face. I didn't look like the person I knew myself to be. Sure, I could have gotten over it and gone on with my

Exactly. So far there hasn't been anything to "turn down." I just responded to his long string of questions with, "Things are great. I'm glad you're enjoying work. Take care!" Since it feels like I've been stuck in a corner talking to him at a party, I tried to think of what I would say in that situation before

The problem is that all of his messages are just friendly and normal. I've been waiting for some sort of expression of affection so that it would makes sense to respond in that way but so far it's just small talk. It seems really awkward to respond to that with "I'm not into you."