
@voteforme: My point is that it's not possible to talk about income disparity without also addressing the racist structures that both created and maintain that inequality. His example was that a black family could win the lottery and change their circumstances without changing their skin color. Well yes, but how

@picassobear: Soak it in cold water until you can get it in the washer.

Just got in a huge convo with my old roommate about race dynamics. He insists that income matters far more. I asked why all the poor people are brown and he pointed out that not all the brown people are poor and that some white people are poor too. I'm exhausted.

@vikkybee: I went as Jimmy Neutron last year while I was growing out the mohawk.

@ieatbugs: Don't include your face. Trust.

Date arrives in 10 minutes! Last minute gonna change my underpants...

@Jetgirly: Yes, you can turn off 3G and still receive data over wifi.

I bought a slow cooker today. Any good recipes or links? Especially for meats...

@Stagtastic: Don't take a side, no one knows what's happening or what went wrong in a relationship like the people who are in it.

@Auruor: When I taught a small seminar I made it clear to my students that I understood that they have other commitments in life and they may have to take phone calls or return text messages but that it's distracting for everyone, me included. I just asked them to step outside to use their phones when they need to.

I just got the sweetest letter from my brother. If you've been loving someone lately, you should let them know because it feels so good to hear.

This Woogie is not the problem, it's a symptom. The problem is that your child for whom stuffed goods are age-appropriate and also cannot be trusted with delicate devices owns an iPad.

@georgia may fayne: I just watched Defiance with one of my brothers and it made me miss the other 2 so bad. It's a good thing the lights were off because I was quietly crying for a good half hour.

@Future Cat Lady of America: No, glasses (well just one) came a'smashing down onto my front steps. It was better that way because it gave me an excuse to ring their bell to "ask if everything is ok" and point out that there is wine and glass and cigarette butts all over my steps.

@Future Cat Lady of America: Oh, I can't even figure it out. It's folksy and emotive and sung with an acoustic guitar. While they drink white wine. And then drop wine glasses out the window onto my front steps. At least the cleanup has distracted from the singing for the moment.

Oh neighbor girls, has no one yet told you that your singing is not nearly as good as you seem to think it is?

@BuffyBot: From someone who is unfortunately well-versed in the best way to manage debt, you absolutely made the right choice.

@PenelopePeony: $150K! Top that, suckers. (And that's just the student loans - let's not talk about the credit cards...)