Mildred Writes

Anyone in it that I care about? The shady lady from the show Good Girls Chief of Police Solverson from Fargo’s first season.

Seam tape, probably, even scotch tape would probably work. 

I bet garbage bags sew up well. 🤔#UnconventionalChallenge

this is the correct response!


I asked my friend Ira how the middle-of-the night feedings were going and he said that his wife breast-fed and did all of them.

This makes me so glad I’ve realized I probably don’t want kids. I love children, but the idea of taking care of them while dealing with a useless shithead husband sounds like my idea of hell.

Problem is, a lot of guys will pitch in equally and seem to be perfectly egalitarian before babies, but their contributions to the household fall once kids are in the picture: “A 2015 study found that working heterosexual couples performed 15 hours each of housework per week before having kids. After children, women

I would argue that basically no men have ever been prepared to have children in our culture in any meaningful ways. Many men have been shamed for showing interest in child rearing as kids. While women have been cultivated to rear children literally their whole lives. When you hobble a whole gender to this level in

I agree.

I don’t think I am going to have kids, but if I do, I am sure as shit not doing it with a male partner. If I end up with a woman who wants kids,then I’ll think about it, but no way am I suddenly becoming the person who has to do almost literally everything to care for a child, and deal with some guy not feeling

There’s a lot of societal conditioning too. On the TV shows they watch, the mother is probably the one in charge of raising kids. SAHMs on TV are still a lot more common than SAHDs. In their friends’ circles, they’re more likely to see moms doing more than dads. Unspoken cues like this are stuff they will pick up on

SAME! Bi lady here and so fucking happy being childfree and single. I am also only open to dating women in the future. I'm so, so done with cis men.

Yes. Also I hope jezebel posts some articles exploring the dynamics of homosexual marriages/parenting. I’m bi, and all my life I’ve said I never want to get married/ have a husband. It’s only recently I’ve even considered that I could marry a woman, and now I'm wondering how/if that would be different/more equitable. 

I disagree. I think they thought they were on the same page before, but reality is a cruel bitch. It’s far easier to claim you’re a progressive dad who isn’t afraid of a dirty diaper when it’s not staring you in the face at 4 AM. Then when it does, it's even easier to pretend you don't see it as a problem, especially

I used to relish the times when my wife would pump and go off to her art studio so I could feed my son, and let him fall asleep on me. When my daughter was born a few years later and my wife didn’t have the studio to go to anymore, she almost never pumped and I missed out on that. I even asked her to pump a few

Ha and I’m never more grateful to be a single mom! I get to make every decision and don’t have to resent anyone for not pulling their weight.

Especially when women continue to have more children with their shithead husbands without resolving the conflicts from the first and expecting things to be better with MORE kids.

Never more grateful and hopeful for my future as a childless lesbian than when I read about inequity in emotional and household labor in heterosexual households.