Mildred Writes

I think you ranked Gift Receipt way too high (I was so annoyed at the waste of Steven Yeun and the laziness of “lol they keep saying shit this is so cool” writing I nearly gave up on the show), and I also think the baby sketch is too high, but I agree with some of your other rankings.

I liked the idea of the sketch, but the part with Cecily Strong haranguing Robinson went on and on and got sidetracked because we were supposed to be amused at how many times she talked about little dick. I thought it was a huge waste of her talent. She was just stuck in the basic unhappy wife role when she can do

Shut up, Paul.

I thought the show was generally very funny, but I thought the baby sketch was one of the worst, actually, and the Christmas Carol sketch was absolutely the worst. It’s not even a consistent tone of humor as most of the show (cringe comedy). What is the joke there, exactly? That an old guy has to use physical

Can we make an internet rule that’s like “Everytime AV Club likes something at least one person will claim it’s because I’m write and they’re getting paid for it.”?

I’ve watched it twice, the first time before the AV Club started going on about it.  It’s just as hilarious the second time through and Gift Receipt is hilarious.

My wife does not do awkward/tense room comedy (she couldn’t even watch The Office when it aired). I showed her the ‘Nachos’ sketch and she just ran into the kitchen plugging her ears.

I laugh so hard I miss the start of the next sketch at least once per show.

He deserves to lose everything. All of it.

I’m afraid you’re right.

Yup.  Women aren’t obligated to keep men’s bad behavior secret.

I mean.. maybe you missed the part where he admitted he sent it to her on purpose??

He’s replaceable. Think of the dozens of talented female journalists whose careers he’s sabotaged through his harassment. Don’t even spend one second mourning the “loss” of this piece of garbage. It just minimizes the suffering of the victims. 

I mean, it’d have been more likely it was meant for someone else had the preceeding two texts from him to her hadn’t been harrassing her, too.

He followed up those borderline-harassing messages with this one, 40 minutes later: “there is so much cum on your face.”

These guys don’t CARE! President Pussy Grabber gave them permission. And while they may get a career slap on the wrist, please see The Entire Catholic Church, Mark Halperin, C.K. Louis, all men except for a few guys that the other powerful guys were willing to sacrifice for their own advancement.


Brace yourselves for all the male tears that will be imminently flooding the comments section.

Reading that thread was a treat. Not the harassment part. That was gross. No, his floundering after realizing he was fucked was delicious.