Millia Hakumei

Software that contains visual art, storytelling, music, acting. All arts woven together yet no... video games aren’t art. Ok bro.

Its wrong to show emotion about something?

Storytime with SRSFACE:

I’ve attempted suicide several times in my life and constantly struggle with depression. I’ve had a lot of relatives die of cancer or other horrible illnesses. I’m currently unemployed and have been since October of last year. I’ve been engaged, twice, both ending once I got cheated on. I turn

And Americans are not any better. They worship Apple and their garbage just as much.

Does it run on Cola?

Bail is one of the strangest and broken parts of US law. "We think you did something terrible, but if you're rich we're willing to overlook it."

The thing that really gets me about this situation is that this kid's life has basically been ruined because he JOKINGLY said some heinous shit on Facebook (Because he's an idiot), but religious nutters can say shit like "[Insert Bad Thing] BECAUSE...FAGS", and "OH HEY, HERE'S THE ADDRESS AND DAILY SCHEDULE OF AN