So it’s a fiction game?
So it’s a fiction game?
Hahahahahahahhaha! *breathes* Hahahahahahah!
Did you seriously just say, with a straight face, that this was one of the best 3d star ocean games. Are you high.
In this thread, people who actually give a shit about what na e-celeb thinks. Seriously, what is wrong with everyone, so he has different views, and? His entertainment and Persona has nothing to do with his views.
He killed the gods of Trunk’s future universe, and so far it looks like it may actually be Legendary Super Saiyan. Trunks SHOULD be stronger than Goku and Vegeta as half breeds are stronger than a pure saiyan
PVP is dead until Poise is turned on
Also there are a ton of posts from kids who can’t figure how to beat Brock or other easy stuff, Sun and Moon gonna get even hand holding
Where is the artwork that shows a better ending?
Honestly, good. Screw anyone who complains as they have no clue what they are talking about as they will be talking from a ‘racist’ or herp de derp stand point.
If Vincent’s voice actor is not Crispin Freeman, I will be heavily disappointed.
Stop. Stop it. Just stop. “Small demographics” my ass, why not take a look at Devil’s Third? Just as effin niche, and with the added bonus of getting shit reviews before it was even brought to the states! NO EXCUSE, NoA!
Oh snap, wow. I never expected this manga/anime to get a life action adaptation. I’ve only ever read 4 of the manga as my nearby bookstore doesn’t have much of a selection, but this definitely looks worth checking out.
HP 8610, Ink costs about 93 dollars for the XL pack, and lasts about 1,200 prints
I knew it was him by beginning of Episode 4. Nathan is NOT intelligent enough to pull something like this first off.
It;s too bad I have already pre-ordered the superior PC edition.
It;s too bad I have already pre-ordered the superior PC edition.
Question, does a ps4 use a Desktop HDD or a Laptop’s HDD? I feel like I remember the PS3’s HDD, used a Laptop sized HDD
Tomb Raider will be multiplat, Sunset Overdrive porting to PC as well as Ryse, Wouldnt be surprised to see Gears 4 on PC in the future, Forza 6 is said to run on DX 12, may head to PC down the road.
Oh and, 2015, playing halo.
Yup, lot of exclusives there.
And I just cannot wait for this. Ever since the announcement of VR, I’ve been thinking crazily of a new Fatal Frame games in a VR environment, please let my dreams come true T.T
Not to mention that half of the ‘exlusives’ to Xbone will now be on PC.
You mean how like Nintendo actually has exclusives and Xbox One is just a Killer Instinct Machine?