Interestingly the incident involving the wackjob you described happened a year prior to 9/11/01. Southwest Flight 1763
Good head room though.
If these documents do get released, please let Jalopnik take the high route and don't even mention it.
I concur.
Power!? Call me when they release real news like max towing capacity.
Plus on a holiday weekend... come on.
Yeah, I use Lactaid every time I win the Indy 500 too.
I always chuckle when someone calls him Crashtor.
But everyone forgets the 968! It doesn't even have the opportunity to be unloved.
Can't imagine it would stay clean for long enough to be of use.
Canadians can order an STI without the wing as part of a base model. It also removes the LED headlights however.
Made sense to me, check out their review leaderboards.
Travis, why does your review of the '15 STi not have a score? WHY!?
Why was there no score given for the '15 WRX STi?
Congratulations and best wishes!
In 2011, auto production was off 13 percent to the year before because of the tsunami. Last year, Japan built 9.6 million cars, the same level that they made before the disaster in 2010. Automakers have also begun backing up their sources, that way they aren't dependent on just one company if a disaster like this…
Pretty sure that's a Lambo dude.