Miles High

I disagree. If you're the only one not turning a cellphone in, out of multiple classes; what's the likelihood that the teacher is really going to consider your situation? I'd feel very concerned about having my grade reduced due to the teacher marking me as absent because, hey! where's the cellphone?

And I'm sure

Guess I'd just buy or find a cheap crappy tracfone for such an occasion. Though honestly, if I had an actual cellphone anyways, I suspect I'd buy a crappy tracfone to give him anyways.

What about those of us who don't use cellphones? Yes, we exist, and no; we can't hand your college professor anything. Sounds like a shitty system to me.

Remember that book Timewatch by that one gay-hating-cultist who wrote Ender's Game? I really, absolutely loved that book. It was a great little time travelling romp, and had a really interesting twist on the idea of God, religion, prophecies, and how changing the past won't necessarily fix the future. (Spoiler alert:

ehhh, whoever financed this mission is a smuggler himself - and a dumb one at that. I can think of quite a few way better means of smuggling iPhones through customs, and smuggling ain't even my profession.

It's like, shit dude, either get better at your job or find a new job.

uhhh. no, Sony, I don't want that. I just want to buy a game once and be done with it. I don't want to subscribe to yet another monthly bill. I don't want to rent a game. I want to purchase the one I want and play it. It's bad enough that this form of backwards compatibility is an always-online DRM wet dream; a scam

I've gone all my life without ever having seen the lead singer's face, and now I'm gonna crack the fuck up every time I hear these songs. Omfg, how can you take him seriously?! Poor little emo kid!

You really have no idea. That's sad.

And this is exactly the sort of situation that makes me fine with region-specific releases. I mean, for as long as I'm in the NA zone at least, and can expect to get the game second - after the bugs and issues have been worked through.


My Elf Rogue chick is gonna hate getting constantly turned down by this dude, I'm sure. lololol

Man. Sexuality is such a big deal. I just really want to know even more about this dude's backstory, though. That's, like, the really really cool part.

Saints Row 2 is one of my favorite games ever. It's a great place to start, honestly. Saints Row 3 and 4 might as well just be one single game.

I don't know what country you live in, but no, you can't buy a submachine-gun in a super market here and a sniper waiting on your front lawn for a simple arrest is NOT NORMAL, OR APPROPRIATE.

Dude, well thought out reply! The thing is though, I think you and I appreciate a sort of different visual style. I actually rather liked the visual style presented in the first trailer, and although I felt it was somewhat rough and certainly unfinished; I didn't take any real issue with anything I saw. The guns look


Totally excited until I saw the on-world graphics and now I'm just kinda meehhh about it. I wish it still looked like the first trailer. Now it just looks... Generic. I won't be backing.

"Sorry it took some random dude finding files we didn't use to make the game run better and look prettier? Silly us, what were we thinking? No more Absinthe shots and Red Bull for the dev team!"

How do you even respond to this, as Ubisoft? I don't even know what to make of it.

Haha! Enjoy being endlessly brutalized in the first 15 minutes, post-character creation.