What? Pay someone to write? Why, my nephew can do that! I best get him an internship.
What? Pay someone to write? Why, my nephew can do that! I best get him an internship.
^ Thing guy right here. :D
They do realize that I'm going to immediately install the No-Origin crack right? Otherwise they're gonna have to PAY ME to keep Origin on my computer; and no, I don't consider their "on the house" program any sort of "payment."
God I want a Wii U. Honestly. It's the only console, this generation, that I really really really want. Unfortunately, I just can't justify the purchase at this point in my life.
That doesn't stop my 3DS purchases though! :D In fact, it probably just enables it. As soon as I can find a new place to live and a TV, I'll…
Everything about this game looks awesome EXCEPT I don't want to be Kirito, I want to make my own custom character (preferably with their own storyline). So, like, cool! But not so cool, really.
It's pretty hard for me to get excited about a game where I'm forced to play somebody else's main character.
They did, but it seemed more seamless
You know, I couldn't care less about the majority of these games. I didn't own them, or they've been replaced entirely - but NWN, NWN2, and Battlefront 1 & 2 caught me off guard a bit. I mean, sure, close the PS2 servers - I totally get that - but, oh wait, I don't play any of these games anymore, and I probably won't…
My grandmother lived/worked there. I think I saw her in one of those Flickr photos. I need to find an old photo of her to be sure.
Our extra rules included mandatory LSD usage and a BYOB policy, but to each their own I guess.
Wow man, that sucks. Not sure what version you played, but nWoD's version of the D10 system has always been smooth and a dream to use for RPing in the old groups I used to frequent. Check it out.
In 2006, Icelandic EVE Online developer CCP Games merged with White Wolf Publishing, announcing a massively multiplayer role-playing game based on the latter's popular World of Darkness supernatural role-playing setting. Today that project has been cancelled.
Honestly man, sounds like the problem is with you and no amount of rationalizing or explaining is going to ruin it for the rest of us.
Damn Sonic Team, like, I know you're trying, but you need a seriously different direction.
Like, I don't know; let's just focus on one individual character at a time, maybe? Perhaps work on a smaller-scope of game, too? Remember how well Sonic Advanced actually worked? Even Shadow the Hedgehog?
So, like, how about this.…
ATTENTION INDIE MOBILE DEVELOPERS: Now is the time to cash in on EA's major fuck up. Develop a working clone/spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper - remove microtransactions - sell it for 4.99 on the appstore. I will give you my money.
NP! I always felt like the Gerudo tribe was designed after pre-Islamic cultures in the Middle East (Western Asia), with Wind Waker specifically reminding me of Persia. Seems to fit the style - and the 'traditional' ancient Asian world (China, Japan, Korea, etc) did have contact with Persia itself.
Heh. Reminds me how…
I know. :P I was pointing out he didn't look like a Samurai or Japanese, as much as he looked Persian or Arabian in Wind Waker. It was sort of a sarcastic response.
Is that why he looks distinctly Persian/Arabian?
Honestly, I just want that sexy sleek controller.