Miles High

Wtf Gundam, what happened to you? ;_;

Question 1: N/A.

That's cool, but MUGEN already has basically every DC/Marvel comic character and every goddamn anime character ever. Also, it's actually pretty fun.

UH, Lovecraft created a shared mythos/universe that other writers were welcome to write/create in, so; no, I doubt he'd be suing anybody...

Honestly, I think it has less to do with what Americans would be offended by, and more to present Japan in a certain way to American audiences: wholesome, essentially.

Keep in mind, the Japanese are notoriously anal about being polite.

Haven't played AC3 yet (nor do I care about your spoiler, sorry everyone else is a dick), but remember that really creepy CGI short the AC team developed and Ubisoft leaked a while back? It featured a dead dude brought back to life, pretty sure he was strapped into an Animus too. Didn't have much to do with Desmond at