
At the very least they should have taken a bow.

Ranch Dressing is filth and a culinary abomination. Thank you for your time.

No need to worry...

Think it'll work? Sounds like a stretch...

I'm in the Northeast. Rain, snow, and road salt took their toll.

The joys of owning a G-body should be experienced by every teenage gearhead. Drive-train swaps, cargo redistribution to compensate for body lean, billowing headliners, wet carpet funk, welding full brush bars on the front...

In a former life I was a Service Writer/Assistant Service Manager/Warranty Administrator at a dealership. I can assure you that, for the most part, the entire warranty claims process is designed to suck the life out of everyone involved.

You just listen to the ol' Pork-Chop Express and take his advice on a dark and stormy night when the lightning's crashin' and the thunder's rollin' and the rain's comin' down in sheets thick as lead. Just remember what Jack Burton does when the Earth quakes and the poison arrows fall from the sky and the pillars of

"Give him the stick!"

This thing needs a big block and tubbed rear end. El Camino Not-so-Excelente......CP.


I'm 6'8" and DD a GMC Envoy. Good headroom, legroom and footroom. I sat in the same model year Chevy TrailBlazer, which seemed a little more cramped (it also had power seats which reduces headroom). As far as cars go I can say that Chevy Impalas and Nissan Altimas are surprisingly roomy, although knee clearance may

1. Kinky Belts All cars come equipped with the perfect BDSM accessory—seatbelts, people! Have your man sit in the passenger seat and then click the belt into place. Order him to lift his hands over his head, and use whatever's around (a scarf, your bikini top, a dog leash, etc.) to bind them to the headrest. Finally,

Allegedly, alliteration aspiration affects an article's accuracy.

I'd prefer the Biel Edition:

She looks mad someone closed the hood on her hand...

My freshman year in college I was in desperate need of a car (my previous car was unexpectedly totaled). A quick flip through the local Want-Ad found me a 4-cyl 1991 Ford Mustang for a couple hundred bucks. I was skeptical at first, but a quick walk around and test drive assured me that it ran well enough to get to

Yes! This winter has been horrible when it comes to the "40 in a 65, 8 car lengths in front, slamming on the brakes every time the wind changes" drivers. I get it! For whatever reason, you don't feel comfortable traveling anywhere close to the posted speed limit. I'm ok with that, but MOVE OVER so the rest of us