
It's EA. So no, it probably crashes too.

Is it just me or are EA games having a lot of graphic glitches recently?

I don't think The Sims series has ever had a semi-decent launch. This one is pretty bad, though. I'm not sure how they could have missed it. Most likely, EA said..."GOLD!!! MAKE IT GOLD!!! We'll patch it later!" and intentionally pushed it this way. How big of a bug must it be that intentionally pushing out a bad

It's what I do best ^-^

I use both AMD and NVidia (And Intel when I'm daring) for development, AMD drivers seem to be perfectly fine for all my cards since the HD 3000 series, NVidia drivers I had wobbles with on pre-built machines but with custom rigs I've had no problems with NVidia at all.

Differences to what you said is that the home consoles were a generational jump in performance for each one. The Gamecube is weaker then the Wii. The gap from the WiiU to the Wii is still large, but the lack of the oomph that the other 2 big consoles has. The RAM back on the N64 was a cost that was covered if you

You know why this conversation goes nowhere? Because no one realizes that criticism of Anita Sarkeesian's videos and the conclusions she draws in them is just as valid as Anita Sarkeesian's criticism of games.

But the big issue right now is not hate. It's journalistic and developer integrity.

"These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers — they are not my audience. They don't have to be yours. There is no 'side' to be on, there is no 'debate' to be had."

Don't ask for "GAMERS" to change... Lead by example... "Developers"....

I wouldn't call that a 'good' look.

Pretty please! The female main character in P3P was awesome. And Akihiko Senpai is best romance option.


Looks like a Racing Game logo.

In the US, fair use is adjudicated on a case-by-case basis, taking mitigating circumstances into account. This is usually the heart of the argument, as one side argues the use is for one (altruistic) purpose and the second argues for another (commercial) purpose. In the examples you cited, the use was essentially

None of this falls under fair use. If he were to make an enormous, elaborate collage, or some other transformative work, from these covers, and exhibit and sell that, he might be able to both employ fair use and make money (like a remix artist). But simply collecting and publishing other people's IPs for money pretty

This would fail fair use, particularly factor one, in every courtroom in America. Also, fair use is decided case-by-case, circumstance-by-circumstance. This guy is looking at 40 different cease-and-desist letters from 40 different copyright holders, with 40 different filings and 40 different lawsuits should he

Icewind Dale! Still have it on PC and still love it. I expect a Neverwinter Nights enhanced remake at this point.

You'll miss A LOT! PLAY IT! SOON! COME ON!

you and me both i just bought the zelda one, so i will end up having 2 3ds consoles...damn it nintendo for making want to buy new stuff lol