
The next Metal Gear Online is the multiplayer component everyone was expecting to be announced, this base building stuff was a surprise to most, so that headline hurts about as much as the IGN announcement when it was confirmed to not be the next MGO. Last we heard of MGO was the LA studio supposedly making it was

I don't think even one of those looks like a photograph. Not even close. They're all too soft and the textures are too flat (no parallax mapping or tessellation on things?). That said, most of them are still pretty nice shots, with the last one being my favorite.

you could bind 12 skills you wanted in d2 on the F1-12 keys so you are somewhat wrong. I used like 10 skills regularly when I played my Paladin in d2 to be able to do runs effectively. in Diablo 3 before I gave up on the game I hardly used 3 skills the rest where Buffs that stayed on for like 5 minutes. played a CM

Not James Bond's finest outing? Goldeneye is considered one of the better Bond movies! It's definitely considered the best Brosnan Bond Movie.

I'm excited for the rest of the books to hit. Monster Manual will be cool for me as a DM to look at stat blocks and see general info for monsters (you should be rolling custom monsters). The Dungeon Master's Guide is the most exciting, because most of the information we want to see will be there. More magic items

Yeah cause Ripley couldn't have whooped your ass at the end of alien in her paintes. Women can't be sexy and powerful at the same time to you people. Powerful and strong means dressing modestly. Got it.

>the designs are from old GBA games

but she wore that before she had the Zero suit...

I remember being so excited for that version of the game back in the day! Of course, at that time in my life, I was excited about anything and everything remotely connected to Half-Life.

I just like the texture packs that make the glass blocks actually clear and water a little prettier. The default texture for glass makes nice houses/windows, but you can't freaking see through it.

It's certainly pretty, but the sumi-e of Okami was so colorful and lively. While not strictly accurate, it gave off a vibe that was most certainly Japanese.

Really hope SCEE ditches the digital only distro of this in Europe!

Now playing

Happy for you going to let you finish but High Moon Studio / Squaresoft (well Enix) has the best trailers of all time.

A proper port of a bad game is still a bad game.

The idea of "games as a service" could potentially then offer another solution if players of free-to-play titles "slowly put in a little bit of payment that could turn into a steady stream of revenue that's fairly solvent," he explains. "That's ideally what you want. That's going to pay the bills, that's going to keep

It's amazing how people completely fail to read how it works and instead insert false information about the way they want it to work.

I imagine they don't want both players doing this at once, and that streaming is an easy solution to work across all their games than force devs to put in extra work to support something only for PS4.

Means, you're not the chosen one! You're just a regular slob, just like Emmet.


"PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT A SCAM," wrote the Mineorama Twitter account then. "It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that @mineorama has been postponed, stay tuned for updates."