
Can someone explain to me how people who post completely inane bullshit like this are all parading around with some mythical Kinja status that makes sure everyone sees their bullshit above all of the good posts that actually contribute anything to discussion?

"I wonder whether it's necessary or worthwhile..."

What, are you mad that your brand-new $500 purchase can't render a game better than my 4 year old PC? Hell, I could upgrade right now for $300-400 and lob a new graphics card in there, and I'll be right up there at ultra for another long, long time.

Maybe this will get some people to realize how and why consoles hold back gaming so badly.

Dark souls when it launched. :3

I really dont want it to be.. I hate Windows 8.. They overly complicated everything.

So we'll add private matches and things like that for free.

This post just makes me think of old school TAY. Never forget.

Prices range from $3.50-$20.

"Most people don't figure out who they are until their twenties"...

I'm not so sure I buy that. I knew my straight preference the first time I got past first base with a girl when I was in seventh grade. My gay friends (of both genders, and I have several) report that they all figured it out sometime in high school,

well it does change the game.

Generally, that's exactly what they do.

Tried this at a friends house the other day and it was just so crap it wasn't even funny. Lots of "ooooo grafix" and no substance, do people actually enjoy this turd?

Love playing video games too much to ever stop. I have little free time now and must use it wisely but just recently I managed to beat FFXIII-2 and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. IN THE SAME MONTH! Woot!

You can say whatever you want just like i can say your ABSOLUTELY WRONG


It should really be a mix though. Listening to the words without any understanding doesn't help you at all. The only way that listening to a language helps is in learning the accents, slang, etc. It also provides a tool to help internalize the language.

Motion Sickness: The Experience: The Game™

Oh my god. seriously. Sitting here at work an all of a sudden BWOOPP A LOOPA DOOP DOOP DIDDLY DEE HERE IS SOME POKEMON MUSIC. PLEASE ENJOY

When I do it (and I've done it a lot) I tell myself I am doing my part in supporting PC gaming which I believe I am. I also think, well this game is getting a lot of praise for being so original or so moving that I want to support devs that are making games like that. Theeeeen I proceed to try to plan my schedule