DDoS takes a bit of work, as you have to get that whole 'distributed' part down. A one-man DoS won't get very far, as the servers most definitely have far more bandwidth than you do, so all you'll manage to do is clog your own pipes.
DDoS takes a bit of work, as you have to get that whole 'distributed' part down. A one-man DoS won't get very far, as the servers most definitely have far more bandwidth than you do, so all you'll manage to do is clog your own pipes.
Hmmm... seriously... no one ever fully paints these models completely? I mean, from mz experience with Warhammer and other miniatures - the walls, the walkways, the canons, the bolts... everything! There could be rust stains, differences in the color... something! To make this model look like a real ship and not just…
why do they have to be gay just because they were hugging on a bench? seems closed-minded of you
what color of fedora do you wear? P.S. if you can't tell if the character is male or female IT IS a design flaw, at least if the designer cared about you knowing the gender of the character, and I don't think they did. Which is, I think, the REAL interesting thing about the characters design.
1) Women will ( and always will) have more style and diversity in games. Your complete lack of acknowledgement is so painful it makes any critical reader clutch their sides in a reenactment of a slow death from your double talk. Male hero - grizzly hardened alpha male. Tell me how many games you play a flamboyant gay…
Would it bother you if your PS4 games were also 720p— and optimized for that resolution— not because that was the limitation of your hardware, but the limitation of a competitor's hardware that the same game was also releasing on?
Uhh... Generally things with boobs tend to me be female, why? Because breasts play a crucial role in the physical and psychological development of the infants only females can bare. Before formula and even today babies relied on their mother's breast(generally) for the nutrients they need for proper growth and there…
You missed a treat then. Episode 3 has everyone in tears if you stick with it as does a couple of other episodes. I will admit it starts oddly but it really is a great series.
Games with consequence....horrible.
No, that's a romanized version of the Japanese name. The correct Japanese name is "進撃の巨人."
"Shingeki no Kyojin?"
I fucking know, right?
On the other hand, a different Trendy employee has spent the past few months telling me that things aren’t all that great. This employee says the “boys club” mentality cited in my original article still exists at Trendy, and that removing Stieglitz might have cut down on the crunch time, but it didn't make things…
While I don't care for Pokemon, I found this video hysterical. Thanks for reminding me about it.
This is why I ignore female cosplayers. I don't even risk the harassment suit. Wait, I hope that's not sexist! /s
Win. We need a Creepy Brock Shop' Contest like right now.