
Happening to me, too. In addition to lots of my posts are disappearing/ not appearing at all for me.

I posted in here about the pun and its gone.

Obviously rolling over and playing dead is the right course of action.

You've got it all wrong. It IS really deep and complex. You need to analyze and be tactical. And you don't need to endlessly grind to beat it, thats the great thing about disgaea games, you put the amount of effort that you want on it. If you want, you can finish the game in 15 hours and it'll be a lovely entertaining

Now playing

One of my favorite D&D parody films has to be the Gamers and (the much higher budget) Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising.

You can tell they all love D&D and are generally making fun of the various exploits or rule holes found in the game. Rather than making fun of the players.

I love that you had to put an objectionable content warning on this article. The fact that this country gets so freaked out over the human body (whereas ridiculous levels of violence are fine) is hilarious.

Not much exp, but he gained some humanity ;)

Well, I can't afford to go out and eat, but at least I have this iPhone!

If someone considers Cowboy BeBop old anime, they're still in diapers.

So Moe.

Did Franklin just pull a Google Maps on us and become a smartass? Lol pacific ocean!

Wait wait wait wait. That is just ridiculous, and you know it.

Always hated it when you muffed a mission at the end due to a stupid mistake.

They can totally top the formulaic nature of MOBAs by modifying Dynasty Warriors into that system.

Someone please do a video walk-though or something for people who live overseas :P


Held out hope it was new Drsgons Dogma.

TBH, I feel like most support mains in League have some sort of complex. "Why is no one thanking me for playing support? I never get any recognition!" Recognition for what? Placing wards and keeping people from dying? That's your job as support. By doing that, you are merely adequate, fulfilling the base criteria of

I think this is just every game out on the Wii U currently.