It’s not repairable. It’s re-creatable and requires exotic materials.
It’s not repairable. It’s re-creatable and requires exotic materials.
Really? I only hear yaoi used for hentai and BL for non-explicit stuff.
And by intended I assume you mean paying for the fictional currency with real one. ;)
No way. The vertigo would kill you. :D
Nice strawman. What I meant was that identifying with a character because they are fat is a bad reason to fatten in-game characters. I don’t give a rats ass how fat Mei or Roadhog is potrayed in the game, but you shouldn’t make changes for the mentioned reason. Just like that silly Tracer pose got changed AFTER it had…
I find it problematic to have a fat/overweight person as role model as being overweight is no way a healthy or a good thing.
Just because you have (or someone else has) conditioned yourself to not be insulted by a insult doesn’t change the fact that it is a insult. It is a derogatory term and it is trivially easy to find out why if one does not posses the mental acuity to figure it out themselves. Offense is taken and not given after all.
Got it, so you’re just spouting some sexist rhetoric you heard on the internet. Glad you could confirm.
Citation needed.
There are certainly physical differences between men and women but none of those things factor into game preferences. Having a uterus does not cause someone to shy away from shooters any more than having a penis prevents someone from enjoying color-matching games.
Nice to totally dismiss what I wrote and the link I gave. I guess your couch anecdotal is a better information source. Tho seeing what you linked me, I guess I shouldn’t take you seriously anyways. Well, you are free to your opinion, even if it is a bad one.
I am.
Men and women happen to be different. Not that it is a bad thing, but some things are not explained by social constructs alone while I do agree it is big part of it. The extent of differences caused by either biology or culture and such are still a heavily debated topic in science circles.
I hope you are not trying to imply that there is no other reason for women and men liking different thing than social reasons.
I don’t know about where you live, but here even kids under 10 often have smartphones.
They can start by not playing competitive mode with characters they don’t know how to play as and especially if they don’t understand that OW is a team composition vs team composition game. You have other game modes to learn the ropes like training and quick play and games against bots.
Don’t get me wrong. They deserve compensation for their work. They just don’t deserve so much since it is a charity event. Convert the amount PCF pays for the GDQ staff into man hours with 25$/h salary and you’ll be surprised. And as you are aware, that is a very high salary. Then think if that is reasonable.
See my reply to loran16
Like I said, all the money does go to PCF thats why you can write that to your taxes. You can check where their money goes yourself since all the data is available