
If only they didn’t half lie and keep saying all proceedings go to prevent cancer foundation. While technically true, they throw back money to gdq. While I think they deserve to get money for the event, they are basically profiting biug lumps of money and not being too transparent about it. Same goes for PCF

It does at least now, but I think it didn’t at launch. Don’t quote me on that tho.

It seemed to have a sleep mode option on the console end so you don’t lose any progress assuming it has a suspend mode functionality which I hope they do by this point.

It can be temporary insanity. I don’t know English enough to use the exact terms, but that is what they usually plead in court and is a real thing. Normally tho you obviously have something wrong with you if you can commit a crime against life, but a coldness of being able to lie about it and not be phased is mostly a

Obviously due to panic. I hope you aren’t so emotionally dead that you could kill your wife and just be like business as usual.

What I meant was that you can make crappy games rolling thru a conveyor belt so you can maximize profits or you can make a game lovingly and well polished to get enough money to make more quality games, but less for personal or shareholder gain. I meant nothing more, nothing less.

Can’t forget that Blizzard is in this for the money though.

Based on the replies, you are in the minority who thinks that he didn’t say what I think he did so perhaps I am no the one to err in this case nor is he denying him meaning that (or he didn’t yesterday at least). So either he expresses himself badly or you are wrong.

Aren’t they from the same creator too or am I just remembering wrong?

Either that or 47 needs to cook a masterpiece he can’t resist to swallow. I mean, if he can be a perfect drummer, massager and such cooking a great meal shouldn’t be too hard.

He added Trump to the list as hoping that he follows in suit and dies. To me that basically screams political agenda. And I am upset because it is written in a obituary which is extremely rude. I’m going a bit over the top with this example, but bear with me; Imagine you are in your mothers funeral reception and a KKK

I’ll just reply with a quote since I commented on this silly safe space thing. Some of the things mentioned may not apply to you so keep that in mind.

Safe space is for people who do not want their views, behavior, actions, etc challenged. Considering I am challenging someones behavior, one would think I am not an advocate of such spaces. So tell me, what kind of mental gymnastics did you go through to get to this assertion of yours?

Not entirely true. You CAN change and change others, but you just decide to act like a defeatist. Borderline nihilistic if I may say so. But only you can bring forward such change so I guess you have a point. I for one at least am trying to do something.

Either you need to tune your reading comprehension or stop trying to make an straw man argument. The OP clearly stated they await that Trump dies. I don’t know about you, but to me that is a clear political statement.

Nice meme. Now if you don’t actually have anything productive to add or if you can’t challenge my arguments, please stop wasting my time.

False. Know why people don’t tend to do or say stupid shit on person? Because they get called out for it. Don’t know about the younger generation tho. The thing is, in real life, it is harder to find an echochamber for yourself.

Well excuse me for expecting people to have common decency. Just because the communication is not face-2-face is not an excuse to act like an insipid hominidae. Internet didn’t use to be this way. It got formed to this. And accepting the problem is the same as being the cause.

It’s absolute disgusting that you had to bring your political agenda into someones obituary. People these days have no respect.

I’m pretty sure you are going to have a hard time finding a straight male that has a problem with lesbians. Trolls just like to hurl the slur homophobe don’t they?