Well you explain to me how counter-strike is always in the top sellers list. There is a limit on how many people can be first time purchasers.
Well you explain to me how counter-strike is always in the top sellers list. There is a limit on how many people can be first time purchasers.
Pfft. As if adults couldn’t act childish.
Godspeed, Axel.
Yes papa, I’ve been a naughty girl. Papa, please, I need to be punished. Papa please punish me.
Being groped in a game is as real as me shouting to someone 10 feet away that I am currently groping their ass aka. not real at all.
So what you are saying is that you have hard time differentiating between virtual reality and reality? Just because the experience is more immersive should cause such a disconnection. It’s just triangles being rendered on the screen no matter if you have 3D effect or not.
Sorry, but no one has the right to intentionally invade another person’s space or to grope them - not even in a virtual space. Just because you’re okay with having your space invaded doesn’t mean that everyone else has to live by your weird (in my opinion) personal standards and be okay with it or deal with it in…
I can’t help it, I’m addicted. Please send help.
So now they have one more way to repeatedly sell the same game for people repeatedly getting banned. Brilliant!
Yes papa, I was a naughty girl. Please, please papa, punish me!
Groping in a video game is not reality. I wish people would understand the difference between a video game world and the real one. No wonder gamers have had for years to try to convince some folk that games do not affect how we act in real life when things like this happen.
I appreciate your honest and good attempt to actually argue, writing something educating, and treating me with common human decency no matter how bad my initial “argument” was instead of just going straight to name calling, but yeah, I pretty much was trolling. For most part at least.
I know of him and the movie The Room. I wish I had even half as fabulous hair and acting ability as he does.
So you admit to making a bad argument, and to not engaging honestly, and it’s the other people who have a problem? Tolerance is not extended to dishonesty, chief, and nobody ever claimed it was. This is why your arguments arent taken seriously: they are bad.
I concur. I was just bored and sadly, I didn’t have anything more productive to do with my time.
I’m saying I know several women who have been harassed or assaulted, sexually, and zero men. My anecdote is not data, but thousands of other similar anecdotes are.
The sad thing is that many people who replied to me try to claim or make themselves believe that I condone sexual harassment even tho in-game groping is not sexual harassment as it is not reality.
What EagleGosselin84 said (sans the retard part). It’s not reality. Try taking it to court for example. I’m not trying to justify such in-game behavior, it’s disgusting. But it also isn’t sexual harassment.
One thing that would be pretty effective and simple to develop would be a complete ignore system where the person doesn’t get rendered on your screen nor whatever they might use to communicate be shown to you.
What is your actual point?