I still stay with the opinion that it is not a big deal. That does not mean I am pro-abuse. Video games are not reality. Sure, such behavior from people is revolting, but it still isn’t reality. You are perfectly safe.
I still stay with the opinion that it is not a big deal. That does not mean I am pro-abuse. Video games are not reality. Sure, such behavior from people is revolting, but it still isn’t reality. You are perfectly safe.
I admit my English reading comprehension is a little lacking, but I still feel like you and I were reading different set of replies.
Someone gets it. Tho I’m not a kid. Us adults too can act like kids online. The thing is, one of them is most likely pretending whereas the other is actually being serious.
1. I’m not pro assault. Assumption is the mother of fuckups.
“nuh-uh, you are the idiot!”
Thank god for your response. Mankind still has some hope.
Ok, so basically with your logic, even trans-women are disqualified.
Even if we assumed it would be any of your business to know, would it make any difference?
What I am saying is that you only get offended, if you get offended. I don’t really ever feel offended and I’ve heard it all. Thus, offence is taken, not given.
Are you really still humoring the idea that my false equivalence and straw men were an actual intellectual dishonesty instead of just doing what I said I did? Way to try to save face.
Such a shame. You have even less going for you then.
And yet, there are a lot of emotion based responses, not ones based on logic nor reason and people coming up with wild theories, like I’m trying to self-assure myself about something instead of just showcasing to the world what kind of people think features like these in games are a good idea.
Well you are entitled to have a wrong opinion.
Just look at them go!
So the next time someone walks thru my female avatar, I’ll just shout rape/sexual harassment. Gotcha.
Rough? More like drought.
Whoah, put some snow in front of that hype train. We don’t want the same thing happens as with No Man’s Lie when every media outlet and people themselves overhyped everything.
Funny, I actually have saved an lactating futanari (don’t google this, kids) Hitler ASCII for Twitch use.
Might not bee the best of ideas to release this with your real name since you basically just showed the world that you cannot be trusted with sensitive information.