
Nice try, Jafar.

This is the will of Steins;Gate.

I hope the irony does not escape you.

Dunno, man. The explosions look pretty much like from the grenades I have been throwing irl.


So you’ve got Steam open, but it’s being obnoxiously slow and you want to close it. You decide to open your task manager, aka the magic computer gun you unlock when you enter the cheat code “ctrl+alt+del.”

Hundred times this. The dub in SO4 was so cringeworthy, mah gawd.

I thought wanko or inu was the word for a dog...?

It might not help as there is still a disconnect between what you see with your eyes and what you feel. You might actually feel even more ill.

Ah, good ol’ Hotblack Desiato.

Restoring licenses worked! Can actually play it now. Woo.

Well, I managed to download it, but I cannot use it as the application license does not get verified. Get an error, that cannot connect to the server. Oh well.

Downloading this from the EU store as I write this. I had put it on my download queue on my PC a day before it was supposed to be removed, turned my PS4 on now, updated the firmware and poof, it started downloading.

Wouldn’t be surprised. Even aGG does the same thing.

I can give my anecdote. I certainly stopped mostly enjoying games after some years past my twenties and I don’t know why. It’s so sad. :(

The modders and mod users have already paid for the mod tools and mod support by purchasing the game. I agree that some sort of small cut for the publisher/developer is needed, but only giving the modder 25% of profits is way way too small of a share.

I don’t think stereotypes themselves are racist, like the hillbilly white guy who plays banjo is not. At least not in my opinion.

Pretty sure this is Majora’s Mask reference.

That’s racist.

Thanks for informing us. I’ll have to check them out.