Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks for letting me know.
Despite some questionable localization choices and character design, this game is the one that pushes me finally buy Wii U. Unless reviews butcher it.
I guess you might want to take additional English lessons then.
For one who claims to choose their words carefully, you might’ve chosen better as I never assumed you meaning anything other than you wrote.
Your opinion. Or at least how you wrote it. If you write something and mean something else, that is not my problem.
Except I didn’t. But I guess people see what they want to see.
Have you seen what kind of faces he makes in the teasers?
That’s pretty nice. Bonus points for the wallpaper. Thank you for bringing this theme to my attention.
I’m pretty sure I addressed the voice acting part on one of my earlier replies. Considering how much visibility the moves have gotten and how much money has been involved, both actors didn’t really make it big time unlike Harrison Ford for example.
No, that wasn’t the point. Just being recognized != HUGE. Sure, such words can have subjective meanings to whomever reads them, but that is why I compared the two to Harrison Ford, who’d I say became HUGE.
Indeed, but my initial reply was a remark for his over exaggerated claims of the actor becoming HUGE.
Neither of them ended up hugely popular. Mark Hamill got off much better though. But comparing to Harrison Ford, neither of them really got much of a career.
I’m afraid that they’ll make him the Jar Jar Binks of this movie. :(
Just like the actors of Luke and Leia did, right?
Doesn’t CoD use p2p networking?
In essence, yes.
I see. Maybe there is hope yet. Thanks.
Ones where you can access all the files yourself or ones you had to buy from a provider with no access to the actual files?
Probably due to console limitations. I’m afraid that even the PC version will have the same limitations to keep parity between versions. And don’t expect to be able to host your own servers so you could modify the max limit. Sigh.
Well, this is what happens when you bring console gaming to PC.