
This is the impression I have gotten. Thank god I tried this at my friends before deciding to buy. It saved me lots of money.


Thank you for making some time of your day to write that interesting and detailed explanation. Many thanks.

Fulton recovery system. You can even pick up big freight containers with it and jeeps, etc. and take them to your base in MGS V.


Anyone care to educate me to the difference between Ultimate Universe and Marvel Universe Spidey? Besides the color that is.

I hope I'm not the only one that mistakenly read the title as Joystiq instead of Joystick. ;_;

Glad to hear, thanks! This just became an insta-buy.

I seriously hope one can change the font size as that text looks so tiny. :/

Amen for password managers that utilize encryption.

I realize that. I mentioned this on a comment to another reply. I worded my original post poorly.

I worded my reply rather poorly. Obviously not all men who act chivalrous are begin sexist, but some people indeed can see such actions as sexist nevertheless. Benevolent sexism is actually a thing. Funny thing is that some SJW's actually show signs of such sexism by feeling a need to protect and raise women on a

Fair enough. It could be just as you explained. We shall see if the supposed engine switch will finally bury this odd, but funny to witness issue.

That's not all. It's almost impossible for a man to not be considered sexist. For an example, if you hold a door open for a woman, it's called benevolent sexism.

They still haven't fixed the game going bonkers when a game goes on too long? I remember that bug being reported way over a year ago. :/

How sexist of you to say that.

My apologies, I realized what I wrote on my second reply sounded rather aggressive, but it was too late to edit the post at that point.

So congrats, you made a redundant message. I guess I shouldn't have expected more of you?

And that is contradicting what was stated in this article how exactly?

Sure seems intended. ;)