
I guess you remember wrong then as it is impossible to make progress in the game that way. You need to kill Yawn (the giant snake) for example. ;)

Too bad she won't be going as this is a scam. No in-person interviews have been made and the people behind the project keep asking more money from the applicants. And it actually cost to apply to begin with. Heh. And you needed to pay your own physical exams.

I'm pretty sure Rockstar has enough income to manage get a DLC out earlier than over a year late if they really wanted to.

You don't want to waste time so you are asking me to do your leg work for you? Well aren't you something. That's also hilariously contradictory to what you are actually doing now.

Glad to hear EA's customer service is not as bad for everyone like they have been for me thus far.

I said:

I always get the exact same feeling when watching who won our local contests. I mean, I don't see the appeal in the women who win those things and I have no idea why others do and since I'm in the minority I can only assume the problem lies in me.

Maybe the lights were like that at the time? :/

Well, too bad for you. I manage just fine on my mobile phone. If using this website alone is too difficult to you, maybe you should not try questioning other peoples intelligence int he future or make claims you have read all of my replies when you have not.

That's part of the Kinja system.

No. I read EVERYTHING you typed.

Well obviously you did not read everything as the information is there and I even quoted the specific part in one comment I made. I guess my previous assessment that people like to read what they want to see hold true then.

The information you are talked about is provided where I already told you it is. I guess people read what they want to see.

Uh oh. You went and did it.

Haha, I guess that lil' Magic and Minfig player rivalry does not just exist locally.

The owner is one reason why I did quit. ;)

Not to mention modifying new games is even harder by itself.

It's funny how you claim I use faulty logic when you can't seem to see past your own. I made that comparison intentionally exaggerated and simplified as you had difficulties realizing what the topic I was discussion was in the first place.

Right, except I hadn't made that comparison before you started replying.
You're grasping at straws at this point.

I have discussed that part to death with one dyslexic induvidual so I encourage you to read the rest of my comments on the topic if you really want to know what Rockstar said, where and when.