From the beginning, I was talking about a feature, or lack thereof, that was supposed to be part of the Online portion of the game and I was only criticizing that particular feature, or rather, lack of it and not the singleplayer content.
From the beginning, I was talking about a feature, or lack thereof, that was supposed to be part of the Online portion of the game and I was only criticizing that particular feature, or rather, lack of it and not the singleplayer content.
You may be thinking of 3D movies. People with astigmatism cant see 3D or see it poorly. (me for example) VR works differently. In a modern VR hmd, if you see 3D in real life you see it in VR.
Well thank you, I can write pretty fast considering I've been practicing for decades. :)
Well, at least the model I used did not have any form of 3D. Or maybe the only game demoed on it did not support it. It was Doom. Dunno.
Ahh, the troll card was pulled. How ironic.
Languages change which is why the OED is updated every 6 months. Surely you know this? Though I guess you're just a product of a cheap US education system.
It was pretty much the same thing 20 years ago as it is today, sans 3D.
Holy shit. Are you serious? That's the stupidest comparison I have ever heard in regards to free DLC.
Psychologists, at least where I live, are medically trained. They're doctors here. Are yours not?
So if I get a free popcorn when I buy a movie ticket, the popcorn sucks so I bash the theaters popcorn to my friend and a third person comes in to yell at me how I dare to undermine a great movie.
I don't have dyslexia, I'm not the one getting confused by the meaning and use of a word.
If someone drove up to me in a red car and told me it was blue, I'd have serious doubts about that person.
Cute. However, I've been trough neuropsychological testing and I happen to be above the average in IQ. What's your excuse?
My brother has dyslexia too so I know what you are going through, my condolences.
And alas, we were talking about the multiplayer component so singleplayer aspects have nothing to do with the matter at hand.
It was the decision of the owner.
Why do people keep thinking I haven't tried one and I'm somehow left out on a secret or something. I have tried one. I have actually several times. First time was 20 or so years ago and most recently I tried the Oculus Rift.
I used to work in a video game store and we had a room for people to play Warhammer and card games. The stink burned my nose. Or so it felt at least. I do not miss those days. The room could smells hours even after they left which disturbed actual paying customers.
Ah, personal attacks and nothing. How cute.