
Few hundred bucks is more than I'd pay for a peripheral. I guess that seems like a low sum to some, especially for people who have well paying job or who don't have to pay for their own luxuries, but for me it is more than I am willing to chew at least on this technological level.

Con Flu is something what happens when people are too selfish to take care of proper hygiene and/or knowingly going to a con when they are aware that they are sick.

RIP the wallets of early adopters.

First off, we are talking about the online component so no need to provide a mini review/advertisement of the singleplayer content.

Yeah, I'm sure it was for good reasons be that for consumers or for themselves. No one would be amused if it was buggy as heck. However, that does not excuse how long it took. Over a year. They could have allocated more manhours for bringing it sooner especially since they collected money via microtransactions post

If only real life was that simple. :/ Unconscious cognitive bias.

Free. Right. I'm sure the microtransactions had nothing to do with the development costs. Also, delayed after a delay.

Let me help you one step further:

The most emotional story beats are between these two, as well. When we join up with Natalia and Barry, the game provides us a brief moment of calm between the two. Exhausted, Natalia hops on Barry's back and the two talk about why Moira and Barry's strained relationship hasn't improved over the years. We also learn

That too, but there are also objective faults as well as subjective ones.

As you decided to dismiss what I wrote by no basis, I won't be participating in this discussion any further till you actually check the definition of the word promise instead of trying to shove some contract law definitions down my throat as that would be moving the goalpost and when you move the goalpost you lose the

I guess you are mixing a legal definition to more general definition.

Incase you did not notice, but I gave five links in my previous comments for the details you are seeking. In the last one this was quoted from Rockstar Newswire:

If you think that DNF was abysmal, you are a very lucky person for not having to See Some Shit I have. Then again, even tastes are subjective so it could also be that. Anyway, I do agree that it was not a good game at all and they should have just canned it, but I guess Take-Two wanted to milk what was milkable from

I enjoyed it as well. Well, the parts that were enjoyable at least. Sometimes I just had fun because some aspects of it were so bad.

I actually did not buy the game. I'm waiting for the PC version so I can enjoy multiplayer with my peers.

If they had kept their mouth shut about the feature I could see it alternatively as a free stuff for a old game, but how things stand it is impossible to feel that way. If I am promised something at some point in time, I expect to get it then as that feature/data could have weighted on my decision to buy the game at

Like Duke Nukem Forever. It was a mediocre game at best, but was basically lynched because people had overhyped themselves.

You mean features that were promised right about launch time coming a year and half late is DLC done right? Uh...