Mikey Likes It Ironically

Here’s a fun fact about the Marlins:

Seriously.  At my wedding those leftovers were earmarked for the inevitable drunken munchies of those that came out to paint the town with us after the reception.  I would have lost my mind on this person.  

I fully intend to use the leftovers from my upcoming wedding buffet (either by arranging a donation or taking it myself, haven’t sorted it out yet) so this audacity would piss me off so badly. My guests could absolutely ask also, but to just take, and take this much, when you weren’t even originally invited is a bold

I would argue that 1% of his schtick is looking like one of the twins from The Whispers and the remaining 1% is channeling a Dick Tracy character...

It’s 7:43 am in San Diego right now. I’ve been at work since 6:15 (work in online paid search and had a meeting with the team in Germany).

Sleep deprivation is literally a form of torture. You actually, truly, biologically need sleep to function. I hate the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” trope. It’s going to kill us.

Don’t they say that if you are really wealthy/rich you make money while you sleep?

It feels really weird to compare any of those guys to Bernie Mac, he exponentially funny than all three combined.

Some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met ranged from poor AF to lower middle class.

We’re in a constitutional crisis because of lazy ass rich people.

Who the fuck does he think opens Starbuck’s at 5AM?  Teachers, security guards, waitresses, cooks, paperboys all are up before his ass.

Seth is great, but I really don’t think it’s productive to give people like McCain a platform to double-down on the dumb shit she says. If you want to have her on to promote a charity or something, or doing a segment about the shitty thing she says without her as a guest, both are fine. But this? Not so much. Not to

That’s right - endive cups all the way. You hear that, butter lettuce cups? Nobody likes you. Stop trying to be chips and go back to being salad.

this recipe turned me ON

After cutting off so neatly midstream, Mighty 1090 announced it would become the FM station KEGL. 

Mexico will pay for the Wall of Voodoo

“Child, if a tree falls in the woods and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
“What’s a ‘tree’ or ‘woods’ grandpa?”
“Fine, if a San Diego internet radio show is shut down in mid-stream and no one’s around to hear, does it matter?”
“What’s ‘San Diego’ Grandpa?”
“Okay....you know the Arizona bay?”

Preparing for

And above all, adopt a mongrel not a pure-breed. Pure-breds often have been interbred to the point they have chronic illnesses and defects.

I know it wasn’t too dark because I shot it.