Thanks for getting the correct river for Ben to be knocked into. You can get your house set on fire for getting that wrong around here.
Thanks for getting the correct river for Ben to be knocked into. You can get your house set on fire for getting that wrong around here.
Or blocking exercises that put brand new linemen on IR.
As a married man, I feel I must help out this inquiring soul:
You've obviously never been to Pittsburgh. Granted, they haven't won a World Series since the year I was born, but we would rather go hatless than wear Yankees attire.
That would involve spending money on research, and nobody in any of these "charities" actually wants to do that.
Not so much getting hit by huge men, but getting hit by huge ARMORED men.
This likely contributes to additional fondling of breasts. One could argue that this could save lives, that person would be a dick.
I heard on NPR that the head of the Komen foundation just got a raise to 800K. So a decent percentage of donations to them pay administrative staff exorbitant amounts of money.
You are correct in that anti-bacterial and anti-biotic are two different things, but anti-biotics work by actively killing bacteria, they do not stimulate immune responses. Penicillin was discovered when bacteria cultures (in a petri dish) were observed to be dead in the presence of a foreign contaminant.
So, according to the article, no support for PS3 is mentioned which is understandable given that they won't be making any more of them. However, I would like to point out the badassness of the Roku remote app, which is free and the device itself is under $100.
Blue Moon is the guy who says rape is wrong but loosely defines what rape is.
Or that's how he chooses to see all women, so that he can debase them on all forms of transport.
Don't the Rams have the former Saints defensive coordinator? If they do, that miffed blitz makes total sense.
But at least the ingredients would be spread down the length of the burrito, i.e. "the proper way", unlike every time I go to Taco Bell.
If its that bad why don't they just stream it directly to customers who want it?
I only do it on phones that have plastic or glass backs. Once I upgrade to an iPhone 5 (I always stay a model back because I'm cheap) I probably won't be using a case. I relegate old iPhones to music devices around the house.
I'm actually a Steelers fan, so I have other problems.
Dumpster fires burn out after a while. What they have a QB/WR is a giant tire fire that's been burning since Vinnie Testaverde.
"Electric Circuits 1" was the funniest (slightly misleading, it was the only funny one) final I ever took in college because of this diagram and everyone pantomiming it periodically.
That's not the first time he's used that phrase. I'm too lazy to search through hours of preseason footage to identify it, but I know I've heard him specifically say that in preseason games before or on the radio.