Well if the giant pythons successfully invade the Florida Keys they will no longer have a Giant Rat problem.
Well if the giant pythons successfully invade the Florida Keys they will no longer have a Giant Rat problem.
Greedy fucking pigs.
Hostile takeover of Nintendo just to get some of those classic Nintendo games in the app store.
hahaha you need to make that into a meme.
This is a great idea! I'm curious as to how much data is used per minuter, hour or whatever. I think it would be nice for developers to start giving consumers an estimated measurement of data consumed when using a given app.
Your ISP can still see your activity when using TOR.
I don't find this anymore outrageous than some of the other patent trolling we have seen over the past few years from hardware/software companies (Apple, Nokia, Motorola, etc.).
Incorrect. It's not about oil this time around. See Kony is in the Congo which just so happens to be rich in natural "conflict minerals" that are indemend. Coltan, a mineral used to create electronics is a mineral in high demand due to the success and demand of electronics from the tech industry. The Congo has the…
Before anyone criticizes the video or the cause or the organization, you need to watch the video (the whole thing) and then comment.
Sounds kind of like The National
I second the complaint of not being able to login to my account and comment via the mobile site.
hahaha no worries it's a good meme and I added it to my collection, so thank!
I meant medium. But thanks for pointing that out.
@Jack I'll #neverletgo