Occupy Gizmodo

I thought Seton Hall had a strict policy against freshman hazing?

He should have just worn this, best of both worlds.

Mac Pro won't die anytime soon since Apple pushed it as a "server". Enterprise will never touch a Mac Mini as a legit server (no hot swap).

I think if they are going to update a device with a bigger screen (to target "gamers") it would be an iPod Touch. That device is over due for a refresh and would make sense to have a bigger screen.

The guy who counts the money.

Omnipoint (remember that company?) Ericsson GF768. I was 11 years old.

So corporations can go thermonuclear on eachother.

This law translates to: "We needed to come up with new ways to take your money".

Hope they have some replacement cooked up for street view.

Even though the iPad is basically the tablet market I hope Apple does not make the foolish mistake of sleeping on it's competition and more importantly innovation.

"tupac back, tupac back

No, no, no he's clearly referring to the finely tailored suits the gentlemen are wearing in the photograph.

Because I like all you people so much...

This game is Chess not Checkers buddy. Your comment is delusional at best on so many levels, let me break for you.

I hope he washed his hands after #7 because that would have made crimes #8, #9, and #10 a little bit more uncomfortable for the victims.

I think that would be a great story and I hope something like that happens one day.

Three Words:

Thanks! Starless minds think alike. hahaha

New feature in Photoshop CS6, "reality layering".

You're better off running Chrome or Firefox consider this a favor the author of the trojan did for you.