Occupy Gizmodo

hahahaha you win

This artist had a really great exhibit at the Guggenheim a few years ago where he displayed his gun powder art and other art using different medians.

More like 260k but you were close.


Your argument is invalid.

Perhaps you missed the part where those number can increase very easily with a subsidized price.

Well if they make so much money now that they can't keep up with it then the game has changed and it's just about getting an iPad in everyone's hand and their mother. Like you said forget sales.

I would consider buying "The New iPad" if it was about half the price. Hell yeah!

So you honestly don't think a choice of a subsidized iPad (a cheaper iPad) would not increase sales of an already well selling product.

They really need to start offering subsidized pricing through a carrier contract. These prices are just too ridiculous for a tablet.

I have to say the headline applies to me and it's pretty awesome. But as I get older I'm realizing the importance of exercising even if your not trying to lose wait or whatever. I feel like my muscles are sore and body is out of shape. It wasn't problem when I was younger but I'm starting to feel it now.

We have different perspectives on what destruction of this planet means. Yes I agree we don't have the capabilities to physicially destroy this planet (in the sense of it no longer existing in the universe) but I believe by simply making this planet no longer habitable to biological entities then it is in essence

Supreme World Leader is probably best.

A self aware computer would realize we (humans) are a threat to this planet, therefore to the computer's existance and would wipe us out.

I watched Glengarry Glen Ross just last night. You can definitely see the difference between good acting and bad acting. Have you seen Alec do a parody of his part in Glengarry Glen Ross on SNL with the elves?

I'm waiting for Watson to enter into Politics.

New meme:

I hope Toasted Marshmallow Jelly Bean is the follow up. Best jelly bean flavor ever.

I see what you did there.

That's Awesome but now it sucks we won't have Edge to toggle to for much longer.