Occupy Gizmodo

I dunno your situation, if your single/married/ or whatever but please just take my advice and lose the belt holster it looks really really bad.

People are complaining that the iPhone 4S doesnt have a bigger screen because people can't distinguish between what is a rumor and what is fact. Since they all read RUMORS online about the next iPhone having a bigger screen they took that to be fact and were all disappointed when that rumor wasn't true. It was so bad

I don't have a honking big phone in my pocket, the iPhone is barely visible. Now maybe if the phone was BIGGER with a BIGGER screen I would have that problem.

You shouldn't need to hands to operate phone.

Technically they are all the same if you think about just in different form factors and power capabilities. I was just giving one example for gaming.

Well its already a bit of a pain but when using an iphone app on the ipad you have that zoom option so assume it would be the same deal.

I've been saying this to the naysayers for years who kept speaking about a larger touch screen for the iPhone. Its just very awkward to navigate with one hand.

I wonder how the blue angels would fair out in an old school dog fight?

Performa 6400

I just don't know how I'm going to tell my iPhone 4 that it's being replaced. It's always a tough conversation to have.

This should definitely have been listed under #dealzmodo

"Cellphone were recently cleared of any threat as well"

The Earth (beautiful and wonderful as it is), is a death trap. In the long run the human race will not survive on this planet. We need to stop having individual space programs for every country (well at least the ones that have one) and collectively put our resources together as one to get off this rock. It makes no

No, no, I'm not confused. What I said is the final result of an a la carte model that cable companies are banking on, we'll end up back at square one with tons of channels but we'll just be paying more for it. People waste money all the time so I guarantee people would justify adding another channel just for one show,

If this ever does happen people would probably still end up with 300 channels with nothing good on because they would slowly add more channels on (for that one show everyone is talking about) the only difference is they would end up probably paying twice as much now.

Wow they are finally beginning to get the picture and evolve. I was enjoying watching their slow demise, oh well, now I'll just have to enjoy watching their slow prolonged demise.

Anyone know if Susan was able to say that with a straight face? I would have been holding back my laugh knowing that I was talking to our technologically challenged Congress if I was in her shoes.

He used a parachute.

I've explored Fort Tilden which is in the Rockaways in Queens, NY.

It really doesn't matter what your email is with gmail because they were smart enough to let you display your email in an inbox anyway you like example: