Occupy Gizmodo

I really hope the iphone 5 won't be physically bigger. Also we are half way through September with no announcement or any indication of a planned announcement which is making me question the rumored October release.

I never post publicly

Read the above article for your smoking gun. I can't believe how insensitive people can be regarding human life...

If you lived in a border town in Mexico you would do anything and everything to get out of there and to a better place (which is the US in this case) if you had to deal with things like people being gunned down, mutilated, and beheaded on a daily basis in daylight on the street in front of large crowds, wouldn't you?

If AT&T wanted to be dicks and also wanted to lose tons of customers they could push for iMessage to be WIfI only since all the iOS devices support WiFi in order to save their text message plans but since AT&T doesn't have that kind of pull because they are no longer the exclusive carrier of the iPhone that is far

It's a joke...

I can see the disclaimer now: "iMessage for AT&T Customers, WiFi only".


You can even smoke in HD

And why in the world did this dude let anyone search his property without a warrant?

Calderón, lawyer up! It's time to get paid. They'll be a nice out of court settlement waiting for you.

Tim Cook: Go Gestapo, get me my hard drive back....

This might be bigger than wikileaks!

I'm sure the ad industry's mouth is watering about this idea.

I read an estimate cost of a cell tower is about $150,000 excluding maintenance costs, etc.

That made me laugh.

If the deal falls through T-Mobile is still owned by its parent company and AT&T pays out $6 billion dollars plus $2 billion worth of the wireless spectrum, free roaming etc.

I'm not saying thats what they would have definitely done but I'm saying that money that they are basically burning is the equivalent cost of 40,000 cell towers.

For the love of all things good in this world can the industry just let clamshell designs die in peace. Stop giving the design false hope of survival.

AT&T-mobile had such a good ring it, though.