
Juicebox Samm

Wow, pro sports hasn't seen anything like this since yesterday, when Jamison Olave pulled johnson on the field.

Yeah, it's really fucked up when you support a wife-beater and people twist things to make it look like you support a wife-beater.

I'm guessing they're white guys.

FIFA: For when you want to feel better about the NFL.

On behalf of my bubbie and zaide, is Jewoobs single by chance?

Keep your fingers crossed and hope it doesn't get cross posted to Gawker.

They must have been Turkish. I've never heard of an Austrian trying to harm Jews.

Why America's colleges should inhrently be the incubator for its national athletics program is of course its own question...

The hypocrisy of conference commissioners and university presidents in this matter is undeniable, so finding fault with your ad nauseum drum-beating on behalf of a pay-for-play model in college is far from a validation of the lying blather that comes from the mouths of these fatuous asshats. The NCAA is a carbuncle on

Even if there are downstream effects on the Olympics, they won't be obvious until much later when NBC finally broadcasts them.

This is really going to hurt the brand of those sex offenders.

Don't worry you're safe. Most Red Sox fans say "I hate the Yankees but you have to respect that Derek Jeter. He does things the 'right way' " which makes it even more insufferable.

"Come on, man. I'm not going to comment on that."
[Smirks with disapproval]

-Derek Jeter, upon reading Drew's commentary, hearing Minka Kelly is releasing an autobiography, seeing a Google alert for his name from TMZ, enjoying a beautiful sunset, being asked by Joe Buck how he's enjoying his last All-Star Game, watching

So fuck him and fuck the Yankees.

My dad recently died of lymphoma so this really hits home. If putting Chris Berman on TV will cure cancer once and for all, then I'm all for doing the right thing and not putting Chris Berman on TV.

Yeah, this seems like a pretty good forum to really hash out the Israel-Palestine thing.

Is good burn

Casspi took 600 shots, but his percentage is even worse than Hamas. #numbersdontlie