
It's people who actually think this is true that are the problem with sport.

The Decision was a bullshit move. The whole circus was crap. Lebron WAS a cocksucker. Everyone knows it, even Lebron. Sometimes people realize when they've make a mistake. He's just righting a wrong.

Seriously, my blood pressure can't handle this shit anymore. One day, Jezebel is going to make me rage stroke.

You really have to have sympathy for the favela

Guess they want to be in orange for life. Get right fellas geeze.

Greg, your writing and work during this World Cup has been exemplary. I've been forwarding your links right and left while saying, "This is what I thought, but he puts it better than I ever could."

We haven't needed a late goal so much as late defense?

Hey, if you want to be a real snob, try futbol, and there's no capitalization either way. There's 331 million of us, and the majority of us now take SOCCER seriously.

Actually, that save was great; the sweeper should have been there to defend that goal.

I look forward to your start in the goal against Belgium.

Yeah, I think Manaus had a bigger effect on the team that people are saying. They looked dog tired through most of the game and the fact they somehow kept Germany to one goal is pretty remarkable

Rewatch the middle 75 minutes; the U.S. controlled the ball and possession, and the field was tilted downhill towards Portugals goal all night long.

You're a kick ass writer Mr. Howard. I rather enjoy your contributions around here. Keep on keeping on.

How long would it take if you ride on the back of a Native American?

I don't know why Didier Drogba had to hang his penis over the camera like that.

This was the only result I had hope for going in, and now it feels like a loss. Crushing.

The team the US beat just drew the Germans. Certainly the US can hang as well.

Think it might be time to send Casillas to the glue factory...

That family is a bunch of shitheads.

I can see Mexico (of course ... ingrates), Russia, and Italy ... but—but—but Australia? What did we do to them besides stopping the Japanese?