For fuck’s sake, just give me a single-player add-on worth buying outright. This live service stuff is getting exhausting.
For fuck’s sake, just give me a single-player add-on worth buying outright. This live service stuff is getting exhausting.
Real Madrid is worth $4.2 billion and had $893 million in revenue last year. Manchester United is worth $3.8 billion and had $795 million in revenue last year. These are two of the three most exorbitantly wealthy cash-printing economic juggernauts in the history of any sport ever. Don’t blame economics for their…
Pls put this on a t-shirt and then send me your Venmo username
Our whole nation seems to be governed by the sunk cost fallacy.
Concerned about maintaining a passionate fan base in a city or region with little to no professional soccer history?
This would require Billy to have even a rudimentary knowledge of American soccer.
Jeopardy should be a cabinet department, IMO
“This should be anathema to everything America says it holds dear.”
We didn’t allow that defense when actual Nazis tried it post-WWII. I’m sure as shit not taking it now. If waterboarding is torture (for the sake of argument, if it’s not then it’s near as makes no difference) then she oversaw a program that tortured people. This should be anathema to everything America says it holds…
I’m afraid to even Google this because I don’t want it to be a real thing a human would do
“As someone once said, shut up and dribble.”
Steve Kerr and Gregg Poppovich have gone after Trump way more in the past months, but she goes after the black athletes and not the white coaches? I wonder why
Laura Ingraham: “Nobody voted for you, so shut up.”
Please take your pedantic takes and shove it up your little ass, you LITERALLY wasted space with your comment, showing us how smart you are.
Alfredo Griffin was shortstop on the 1988 Dodgers, which was basically 23 replacement players, Gibson and Hershiser.
You know you gotta fuck up pretty bad to be worse than Penn State, yet here we are.
Deadspin’s coverage is already wide left.
This is precisely why they need to have other people play video games for UNC athletes.