
Agreed. The slave states should have been relegated to a lower form of participation in the government. Traitors still showing their true colors.

I’d like to seriously ask the alt-right: What’s the end goal of your movement? Will you be satisfied when you see no non-whites in your office, in your streets, in your communities? Or will you only be satisfied when the U.S. bans all non-whites from this country?

Fact - the only person in the south who ever used a torch correctly was William Tecumseh Sherman.

As satirical as this is, I often wonder if porn stars do this exact regimen to keep their bankable assets looking the way they do. I’m rather in awe of how bizarrely pristine they usually are downstairs.

13: Not just those two songs, but the whole damn soundtrack. I still listen to it. And now I’m hearing all the songs in my head. Whelp, off to my CD playlist...

I feel like every future reboot could cover Spider Man, Batman, and Superman’s origin with 15 seconds of exposition. Maybe 30-45 seconds of flashback.

I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.

The corporations are probably sick of paying “influencers” thousands for little return and figuring out that there’s no strategy to going viral — you just grab on when you can and hope you can capitalize in time.

Voyager was the best Trek show, second only to DS9. By cutting Janeway and crew off from the Federation and anything familiar, they made the entire cast more relatable by removing the “post-scarcity” element; replicator rations and Holodeck time became currency, supplies needed to be bought and traded for, etc.

Aunt May is also an expert on general automotive knowledge.

just more shitting all over flyover states and the south.

That fucking show was one of the best things ever created on television by the Jim Henson Productions, up to the level of Fraggle Rock and The Muppets, maybe even better. Someone on io9 should watch his mouth!

You wash out your filthy mouth, Rob. That show was awesome, not awful. The social satire was up there with the Simpsons’ best seasons.

The fact that a WWI movie that included depictions of PTSD, trench warfare, somebody getting their leg blown off, and chemical warfare against civilians, was the “fun and lighthearted one”, realllllllllllly says something about Zack Snyder.

If they’re ever going to show the origin with Tom Holland, I like the idea of doing it as a one shot. Forget that the McGuire and Garfield movies have nothing to do with the MCU, it’s still the same origin story. It’s still a guy being bitten by a radioactive spider. It’s still an uncle murdered by a man he just had

I don’t really understand why nobody is calling Sony out on this along secular grounds. At least in the coverage I read. We are a secular nation and the market for “clean” cuts of films is largely religious extremists and evangelicals who want to impose their morality and interpretation of the law on the rest of us

I agree with every thing that you said, except, this:

Just for pedantic fun. The oppressor/oppressed dynamic can be expanded to include American cultural imperialism, where it’s readily apparent that African culture has been largely ignored - even to the extent that we discuss the subject on the macro continental rather than ethnic or national level -, and that said

The line between the Black Diaspora rediscovering their heritage and approprition is a more nuanced conversation than clear yes or no that can be gleaned from screen shot showing the incorporation of the elements from different tribes/cultures into a fictional universe. The attempts of the displaced African diaspora

My heart of hearts would love it if Jessica looks annoyed and makes a “I can’t even” face every time he speaks.