
Windows 8.

I remember, even as a kid, predicting the death of Dumbledore as soon as Rowling announced she was going to kill someone in the new book. In my mind it made logical sense, as Voldemort feared him this would escalate the stakes of the story. Getting 'Snape Killed Dumbledore'd' didn't really phase me, it made me excited

That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.

Uh not to be *that guy*, but Abrahamic religions aren't the only ones out there.

Any time I hear that one partner feels the other partner's sexual desire or functioning is gross or boring I know that relationship is going to end up being very difficult for at least one if not both of those people.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

And if you can't fix your ecosystem... what hope do you have of finding one better suited to your particular evolutionary state.

Its like people think "apocalypse", turn off their brains and respond "magically unlimited resources" ...er ... "interstellar travel." Not the author - you address this. But the headline

Please explain how the DK's are remotely misogynistic, and could you also define what an 'all encompassing patriarchy' means. Are only DK shows 'all encompassing', or is the whole world, meaning no one should have sex ever?

Apparently, they were Too Drunk to Fuck. I'm glad he was able to provide a reasonable alternative in her time of need.

A full scale Iron Man mkIII, completely 3D printed!

Spider-Man is popular enough of a character that I'm sure it would work, but it seems like the sort of thing that is made for confusing mainstream audiences.

As long as corn wasn't bred by making, say, the same arctic fish species, whose genes were spliced into Netherlands water tomatos to get them to foul slightly slower, fuck Teosinte to produce altered offspring, gene manipulation is nothing like breeding.

We have a way to feed them now, they can't afford the new prices.

we have been GM'ing plants and animals since the beginning of agriculture

What disturbs me is how much the producers want to hide the GMO fact from consumers. Basically they're saying "We know what's best for you! Just trust us! You only need to know what we want you to know"

Ala Carte cable would help also. If I could just get the local channels, Discovery, Science, and Nat Geo I would pay for cable. Instead to get those channels I have to pay for 80 channels of crap I won't watch to get the few I do. So I just stream the shows I want to watch.

I think there's actually less and less room for reality shows. The budgets for unscripted tv are dropping quickly, because there's too much competition out there and the cost/benefit ratio that made it so attractive compared to scripted no longer makes it a compelling buy for networks 10 years ago. Most of the

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Rory Williams: From annoying side character to the Lone Centurion

A huge proportion of these comments are pissing me off. FFS.

I've lived and worked in the same lay-back So Cal beach city for 44 years. When I got here I noticed that the local cops wore khaki uniforms and drove all-white cruisers, which make sense considering the summer heat around here. Cops I knew then were amicable, approachable, helpful and generally just not scary: