Did someone just say "behind"‽
Did someone just say "behind"‽
Exactly. This is exactly it. They are missing out on what Monsanto's actually doing wrong — and it is disgusting, and unconscionable — and losing their minds over the part that's not necessarily problematic at all.
What about other GMO crops?
I've heard firsthand accounts of family members committing suicide in India due to the inability to raise crops designed for soil which is more moisture rich than that of India. Planting North American GMO wheat and Corn readily saps the water table impacting not just the one farm, but many…
Alright. I know Ayn Rand was a kook, and that her followers are even bigger kooks, and I know it's popular and rightfully common to trash her books, but I'm going to come out of the closet here and admit that in High School The Fountainhead—given to me a very attractive and brilliant red-headed Jewish girl— was very…
For the record, the key to these movies for me has always been this: Am I being entertained enough to not think about how dumb the movie is? For Marvel's movies, the answer is generally yes. For Green Lantern and Man of Steel, not so much.
An over abundance of reality shows is why gave up on cable. When I couldn't find science fiction on Syfy, history shows on History, and Discovery was down to just watching Mythbusters, I knew it was time to stop paying for nothing to watch.
Instead of cutting back on TV movies, I wish they would cut back on "reality" shows. There are too many reality shows on air in general and way too many on SyFy. I don't tune in to SyFy for reality, I tune in to SyFy for science fiction/fantasy. If I want to see reality, I can just see that any day of the week just…
Violence as a metaphor for everything. I love a good fight scene, but it is not true that you can only know someone by fighting them.
but.. I LIKE banjos... AND bagpipes..
So, I realize that I'm in some minority that's close to 0.000001% of humans, but... I really loved Heroes. All of it. Every season. I was quite upset when it was canceled. Was it perfect? No, of course not. For example, Sylar's back-and-forth "I'm good now, I'm bad now" got old. It was supposed to show a realistic…
"So what I see is Jar Jar Binks as the main character, I want him to carry the film. We will need lots of lens flares, and I plan on writing a new cannon for the Star Wars universe. Since they won't be main characters lets make Han, Luke, and Leia cousins who are drawn into the fight by Jar Jar. This will make Jar Jar…
Calling this a great novel may be a stretch, but still funny.
Their Jezebel is coming for my cremation.
Thank you for responding and for being one of the few development teams that seem to care.
I might be only one on this but I always found Cypher from the New Mutants power was cool "intuitive facility for translating languages"
The fluid Americans call "beer"
I fixed a few things:
Sorry, Lea Thompson's butt over-rides any logical argument you may have.
Oh, no, we're living The Omega Glory today, politically speaking, with the Tea Party, who worship the Constitution as a religious relic, but have never actually read it.
Wherever you live, these are your tax dollars at work. Not building schools, not building hospitals, not feeding children. Instead, preparing for people to kill other people.