
I suppose Christians should find a new symbol since the Klan started burning crosses? Have you seen the way the MAGA crowd feels about the American flag?

I literally can’t tell whether this actually happened or was photoshopped.  All I know is that I really want Andy Kaufman to rip off the Trump mask and reveal the last two decades as a really long setup for his HBO special.

I’m really hoping that’s our future president right there.

Ask your jeweler about the two month salary guideline- Because nothing gets a marriage off to a great start like being two months in debt.

I confess that I’m a bit worried how this will affect my friends in the Heathen community. There’s an ongoing battle between racist and antiracist factions, and the racists have been coopting shared symbols for a while. Putting something like a valknot or Thor’s hammer on your Facebook page can already get you

I had assumed that Mueller would present an airtight case with irrefutable proof of high crimes up to and including treason, and congress would just do absolutely nothing.

It’s worse than that, because they’re not chasing moderates, but moderate *Republicans*.

Hi, I live in Maine. People are quick to blame spoilers up until the point where they find out that the *Democrat*, not the independent, was the spoiler.

What I expected was an airtight case proving hundreds of crimes up to and including treason, to which we would respond by doing absolutely fucking nothing. 

There’s a joke about an engineer who dies and accidentally goes to hell. When god realizes the mistake, he goes down and asks Satan to send him upstairs.

True story- People who do animal handling for TV and film say that if you have 10 scenes with a dog, you train him to do 10 tricks.  If you have 10 shots with a cat, you find 10 identical cats.


I think Beto’s the best thing Texas has brought to the national stage in as long as I can remember.

And still today, Mac has the edge for creative applications. Adobe runs equally well on Windows these days, so they’ve lost that edge for graphics, but for prosumer audio and video editing, it’s still the best.

I think my favorite useless body part is the pyramidalis muscle, which is located in our pelvic floor and attaches to the pelvis and some other connective tissue in our nether regions.

I think my favorite useless body part is the pyramidalis muscle, which is located in our pelvic floor and attaches to the pelvis and some other connective tissue in our nether regions.

the film “will also be set in the ‘90s” and focus on a younger incarnation of Batman “between 25 and 33 years old.”

You know, say what you will about demonic entities- They know how to draft a clear and specific contract.

Absolutely. People don’t understand that we’re living in a Toffler wave- Our children won’t just have better technology than our parents, they will literally live in a different world.

How about McAnally’s from the Dresden Files?