What’s the best way to ask Michael Harriot a question in his capacity as a wypipologist?
What’s the best way to ask Michael Harriot a question in his capacity as a wypipologist?
What in the actual fuck?
I’ve always assumed that Morpheus and the rest were mistaken- That what the machines were actually using humans for was computing power: A small bit of each human brain being used to maintain the Matrix, the rest used to process the AI behind the machines.
sigh. Take a star, dammit..
Israel has every right to reclaim their ancestral homeland because they were run off generations ago, right?
A LOT of companies are doing this now. Why hang onto your best employees when you can hire someone off the street to do the job for much less?
In the spirit of Trek and IMO better.
That’s really the thing that separates truly brilliant satire like Galaxy Quest and Spinal Tap. When you’re making fun of it because you love it so much. It changes the dynamic in a way that inherently trades the cheap jabs for the deep recognition of why something is funny. It’s laughing at yourself.
I think that if you look at ship names across both fiction and real life, you’ll find numerous examples of military craft named after generals and admirals, research vessels named after scientists, scout ships named after explorers, and so forth. I believe Beverly Crusher captained the Pasteur in TNG’s finale.
If I wasn’t clear before, I totally agree with you.
Thing is, AOC seems savvy enough to counter with an “Amazon thinks giving us $X billion in jobs is worth our giving them $Y billion in handouts” statistic. I just worry that she wouldn’t spend the kind of obsessive time to hammer, hammer, hammer it home.
use T-pain as an example of someone
withwho used zero of their musicality but who leveraged technology to be successful
You should see some of the shit that goes into record contracts. Like, stuff that would make pimps and payday loan managers hang their heads in shame.
The trick is, we have to make it seem like their idea.
How do we slow stuff down again after the Orange Menace is gone?
One of my favorite arguments with my libertarian friends is whether or not a HOA is in fact a government.
There’s no fucking such thing as a radical leftist in this country. Universal health care isn’t a “radical” or “revolutionary” idea, it’s something literally every other civilized nation has been doing for decades.
They just want to create an impossible economic system that won’t work. When other places have tried that, violence has followed to keep the people in line.
I’m a hell of a lot more comfortable with the guy posting on Facebook than I am with him driving stoned.
Take your damn star.