
Thing is, AOC seems savvy enough to counter with an “Amazon thinks giving us $X billion in jobs is worth our giving them $Y billion in handouts” statistic.  I just worry that she wouldn’t spend the kind of obsessive time to hammer, hammer, hammer it home.

use T-pain as an example of someone with who used zero of their musicality but who leveraged technology to be successful

You should see some of the shit that goes into record contracts. Like, stuff that would make pimps and payday loan managers hang their heads in shame.

The trick is, we have to make it seem like their idea.

How do we slow stuff down again after the Orange Menace is gone?

One of my favorite arguments with my libertarian friends is whether or not a HOA is in fact a government.

I would make a pretty strong argument for the score.

There’s no fucking such thing as a radical leftist in this country. Universal health care isn’t a “radical” or “revolutionary” idea, it’s something literally every other civilized nation has been doing for decades.

They just want to create an impossible economic system that won’t work. When other places have tried that, violence has followed to keep the people in line.

I’m a hell of a lot more comfortable with the guy posting on Facebook than I am with him driving stoned.

Take your damn star.

Also: Tim Cappelo will be added to cast.

I was 13 when that movie came out, and I still credit that shot right there as the exact moment I entered puberty.

Take your damn star.

Yeah, but to be fair, it did have a majorly queer vibe to it. Sam was obvious, but there was also a pretty solid subtext with the David/Michael thing despite ostensibly being about the girl.

Now i want this remake to include werefrogs.

The Lost Boys is hardly a sacrosanct work of high art

We are in a class war, and we are losing. In 2016, Sanders was the only candidate who, despite his flaws, was on our side, and it was vital to support him no matter what.

When’s the last time you heard about the chess club or jazz band gang raping someone?

Thomas is known as a originalist, or someone who basically thinks the Constitution’s authors knew best and we shouldn’t mess with their wisdom.