
Too many of us feel we should be noble no matter what.. as if we should be comfortable or accommodate ourselves to our oppression.

Now if Killmonger had wanted to turn Wakanda into a refuge for oppressed blacks across the globe, or bankrupt the imperialist powers in Europe and America by creating a single African currency based on Vibranium I’m pretty sure T’Challa would have at least been willing to check out a Powerpoint.

It reminds me of an overly sappy popstar version of a classic christmas carol.

George Washington Carver discovered over 400 uses for peanuts. Researchers have found hundreds of uses for cannabis. Despite the existence of other kinds of energy, pretty much everything we do revolves around electricity- We’ve figured out how to make it do almost anything: Light, heat, motion, magnetism, to bond

Exactly- Killmonger’s motivation wasn’t “you killed my father”, it was “you stood by and watched while my- OUR- people were kidnapped, enslaved, oppressed, and murdered for 500 years”.

I think the movie was too *dense* to fit it in.

All I kept thinking was: Keanu Reeves minus the looks, charm, depth, likability, and acting skills.

I think *being* a musician changes that. My favorite is still early grunge-era alternative stuff from when I was 16-22, but I also listen to a ton of new music, and a much broader selection than I did then.

Valerian is totally worth watching for the first five minutes. Legitimately one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen on film.

We did the same thing when I managed a retail store. .99 prices were regular merchandise, .97 was discontinued stuff, and .96 was clearance.

you’d think gun-humpers would WANT people to be trained in safe handling and use of firearms

“You may say you want to end sexual assault, but I can read your mind and tell you have an unstated desire to outlaw sex entirely!”

You cannot grow an AR-15 in your shed or make it in your bathtub. You cannot build one at home with commonly available materials.

I’m actually a second amendment supporter, but if I’m being honest, a plea for outright repeal is a much more clear, consistent, and rational argument than most others.

But they allowed for a navy, for the ability to raise armies for a period of two years, and for a well trained and regulated militia to provide defense. Their intent was that we would be able to defend ourselves, but that we would never pull shit like Iraq, Vietnam, Korea....

Yes, for three reasons-

Once again, the entire point of the second amendment, which both liberals and conservatives forget, is that it was intended to be INSTEAD OF a standing military. We shouldn’t have one to go up against in the first place.

If the guy wanted to keep it, he’d have said it was specifically to accuse the state’s economic policy of sacrificing their kids’ futures.