This is, in fact, one of the things which went wrong- And until the Democratic party starts taking an honest look at itself, they’re going to keep losing elections.
This is, in fact, one of the things which went wrong- And until the Democratic party starts taking an honest look at itself, they’re going to keep losing elections.
You think your vote didn’t matter? I voted in the NH primary.
Was a guy a number of years ago, got cancer, lost his health insurance. Went into the bank and handed the teller a note that said “I have a gun. Give me a dollar out of the till”. Then he stood outside and waited for the cops to show, turned himself in, plead guilty to armed bank robbery, and went to federal prison…
That’s the thing people don’t get. Look- Half the population was willing to vote for her, half against.
the on-going complaints about how ‘inexperienced’ Obama was, but when they nominated Trump, it was like “he doesn’t need experience! we need an outsider!
This is one of the things I kept hammering on- Trump did not just suddenly appear out of a vacuum.
The reaction from people when I told them I couldn’t vote Clinton II because I don’t vote dynasties under any circumstances.
I voted in the NH primary. Sanders won every county, some by more than double Clinton’s numbers. In the final tally, he had a greater than 50% margin.
That too. One more lesson being ignored. 40% of voters are registered as independent- a larger block than either party.
This a thousand goddamned times over.
To be fair, there was no context. Did they get together before or after the birth and OCD? Is the kid his? Or was this all a known quantity at the beginning of the relationship?
Realistically, what holds water just boils down to “whomever is willing to spend more money in court”. My hope is that a combination of “can we be friendly and reasonable about this” and “this was the only thing in writing” will be enough to avoid that situation in most cases.
I’m a performer, and have an audio/video/photo policy posted on my site that says people are free to take photos or record my gigs, as long as I have free usage of said materials.
But there are a lot of different ways to achieve that voice, whether you’re doing an act, or hewing closer to your own personality.
This strikes me as the slightly more subtle case of privilege rather than outright discrimination-the minority will be held to the letter of the law where someone more mainstream could be allowed some leeway.
I really feel like this bears repeating: Narcissists are awesome at the beginning of a relationship. It’s one of the hallmarks of the syndrome. They are charming, attentive, shower the other person with affection, praise, and grand gestures. Throw in rich and famous- And you know how celebrities can be about…
My take is that this is somebody who leans this way but doesn’t have any real experience with BDSM yet- Which means that my advice is to use extreme caution.
It’s called projection.
I want to know where does one find women to go to lunch with unaccompanied by their father or brother? I mean, if there isn’t an immediate family member there, who will tell you what she looks like under the veil and/or burka? Who will negotiate her dowry or decide what she will eat, when she will speak, etc.?
Yeah- Celebrities may have the same right to privacy, but they don’t have the same expectation of it.