
Hell yea, let’s hear some

Some historical notes:

Eh. Almost all Trump voters angry about this will vote GOP again because I honestly don’t know.

I think in the Catholic Church, the congregants tend to be more liberal than the Church.

I have seen it more than once now. Granted it could have been some trolls. They mention how CAP is supportive of fracking - I honestly don’t know if they are - and that cancels her out. I’m sure if you give it time they’ll come up with something else.

Thanks for the comment.

That has more to do with a higher idle being needed for the excessively rich mixture on a cold start. Cold-start air:fuel ratios may be as rich as 3:1 (normal is generally between 12-14:1) in order to facilitate combustion and compensate for poor fuel atomization at low temperatures. This rich of a mixture ignites

Obviously, before I can say this issue been “put to bed,” I’d need to see some data of engine wear versus different warmup strategies (idling for a short while versus idling for a long while versus gently driving away while cold).

How does it feel

They do.

I’m all for impeaching corrupt presidents, but until I see Trump boarding his chopper out of DC with middle fingers instead of peace signs ala Nixon, I won’t believe any news regarding impeachment.

oh fuck right off

For explaining what constitutes subornation of perjury, while stating that it doesn’t pertain to Donald Trump in the Michael Cohen case?

And the judge will need to remind her to not render a verdict before the trial officially commences.

“He’s already done the bad thing to us, and will continue doing the bad thing to us regardless of what we do, but if we don’t do the good thing for him, he might do a bad thing to us!”

They probably constantly steal Shep’s lunch out of the Fox break room fridge. 

You’re joking...right?

Actually pretty logical to go to an aerospace supplier for stuff out of the realm of existing car stuff. Price makes a lot of sense.....if you thought car parts were expensive try looking into aircraft stuff

And even that’s not as impressive as what Heggemann Aerospace had to design to keep the Chief Fuel Tank Designer working at the very peak of excellence.

Have you tried not being poor? It’s easy. Just stop being poor.