
Fake friggin’ News!!!!!

Uh.....lock her up?

this is why SNL sucks. Right or wrong just have a POV and own it, you pieces of shit.

The purpose of pointing out the 83 vs 88 percent, in this case, is to prove that not only was what DonJ tweeted was a false stat, but that he chose 88 deliberately. No where in the article does the writer point this out to disparage the Dem.

The GOP has decided that words can’t incite action so this is fine



Why does the tow truck look like it just came from a Paintball match?

The question is why did Splinter lose their knickers over the statement?

Look at me! I was able to trace my lineage back to someone who left Africa 50,000 years ago, and I was able to pick myself up by my bootstraps. Why can’t everyone else?

Or he uses that trace amount of DNA as a body shield to do whatever the hell he wants to minorities. Can’t be racist if he’s black. 

Aimee seems to think that writing for a lifestyle blog gives her the right to puff out any opinion piece she wants and present it as authoritatively as medical advice.

We project adulthood onto children for the same reason we project humanity onto pets: it’s funny in its absurdity and useful in helping construct some sort of theory of mind, however flawed.

I’ve spent my entire life trying to be the fastest at everything and I’ll be damned if I stop now. 

The Platinum Level White iPhone will also round up 65 white women to lie for you if you are even nominated to the Supreme Court!

Um, yes, his entire paradigm IS in danger.

It’s almost like the dumbass lizard brained reactionaries who call themselves conservatives (LOL) will dismiss multiple lies by a sitting appellate in front of a senate committee and cable news; dismiss all the partisan conspiracy theory BS; and still support the entitled alcoholic teenage sex terrorist for a

My (Canadian) wife is considering I high-level job with a professional grow-op. If she takes it, she could be banned for life from entering the US, just as some of this grow-op’s owners have been already. Similarly, if my retirement savings are partially invested in something to do with marijuana, I could be banned

I think everyone with a modicum of knowledge about ww2 aircraft development is aware of the Zero fighter’s later shortcomings. However in the early phase of the war it was indeed a superb fighter. The Allies had several advantages in all theatres of war.