
Yeah, I was going to say - take these two idiots and put them in the passenger and rear-passenger seats of my Subaru and...

Except there was a car there. You can see it in the video.  His options were Green Car, Semi Truck, or Tire.

In the last frame or two of the video you can see there’s a car on his left too. To their credit, by the time they are in-frame, they seem to be moving farther left, probably to give the rider an out, but I’m sure his “situational awareness” had him at least know he had a car on left along with the truck on the right.

If he doesn’t fit, he doesn’t fit.

William Gibson and the man in the Ugliest Shirt seen whistling and walking away...

So much this. I read this sentence and recoiled:

Yep, diesel pusher was my first guess too.

The solution to soaring development costs while leaving open the possibility of “meaningful” advancement of real automotive technology is to figure out how to eliminate the “aero” arms race.

Yeah, it’s a little hard to say whether it’s itinerant workers being taken to fields or border crossers, since the seasons for both overlap.

Objectively, a Tesla would be a good choice for the upcoming purchase to replace my wife’s aging commuter vehicle (E46 BMW). Her needs are the platonic ideal for an electric - relatively short daily commute (to a workplace with EV charge stations), in a household with 2nd and 3rd ICE vehicles.

I mean, Isuzu made it work.  The AWD system was surprisingly sporty - 60% rear bias, IIRC.  They should have sold a million of those, except they were like 3-4 years ahead of the Colin McRae Rally boom that drove Subaru to success in the late 90s.

Makes you wonder what Geo’s fortunes might have been if they’d been able to offer the Storm with 1.6L Turbo and AWD, eh?

Came for this.

You know the little trivia nugget about how the largest tire manufacturer in the world, by volume, is actually Lego? Turns out the best-selling single-model of car of all time is the Cozy Coupe.

>Solar still doesn’t make financial sense

My other tip, both for V-day and regular dinner parties, is to try to plan the menu so that a lot of the work can be front-loaded. Nothing makes it un-fun for the cook if there’s a big last-minute faff when you’d rather be enjoying a cocktail with your guests or sweetie.

Are we not going to talk about the excellent record collection and retention it takes to be able to do this?

The other one is context.

As a warning: Depending on how you gauge “after the pandemic”, be very diligent about checking the cancellation policy for the place you’re looking to book. AirBnb lets the property owner set the policy, and it’s possible to set these to “strict” such that you can be out up to 50% of the rental fee should you need to

Offset by all the LEM parts we added, of course.