
$100k will get you into a nice pre-owned Formula Ford with a trailer and a decades-worth of tires, spares, engine rebuilds, fuel, paid track days, driver-gear, and an arrive-and-drive pit crew, and you’d have money left over.

Hell yes to this.

This is one of those scenarios when an old and used thing is objectively better than the newer version.

One trip to the referee and you’d be set for life. It’s not that hard.

Impact Screwdriver

I’d have been much happier if the headline read “Louisiana Police Chief ON-FIRE After Leaked Surveillance Footage...”

Hope they decide to retain Claire Williams as Deputy Principal - she’s been running a large part of that show (the parts that work!) for many years now.

+1 on the Morton’s Popcorn Salt

Yes, get it.

That’s fair. The difference with a CPO car is that it’s technically backed by the marque, and it’ll be a dealership where you at least have the chance of recourse if something goes wrong. That’s a very different kettle of fish versus buying from “Steve’s Autorama” that operates from a small office in a strip mall.

I’m all about the PPI. I have bought several cars long-distance, and the key for me has always been to find a reputable shop to do an inspection at my cost. I never take the word of anyone who has something to gain by omitting findings.

Yes, I can spidey sense the disappointment coming from all you “Stick Shift or GTFO” slushbox haters out there, but understand that’s the only way the 5.7 came so all your fist-shaking about that is for naught.

You know he signed Wallace to race for his team, right?

I think that’s entirely dependent on (a) your hiring ,(b) how you manage those people, (c) the nature of the work, and (d) your willingness to invest in equipment (and people, which cycles back to (a)).

As someone who’s been waiting since February for a “routine” passport renewal, I’ve been checking on this at least weekly. Back when the lockdown first went into effect, they were saying “significantly longer than the usual 6-8 weeks”. I’m going into month 5 of waiting, so... yeah.

Ever tried to cut carbon fiber with a toothed saw?  Snags for days.  Abrasives are the way to cut CF if you want quick and clean.

Wow, you missed the most important one: Think in the Queen’s English.

Wait, there are people who don’t put hash browns in a breakfast sandwich? I thought everyone knew this.

This is all great except for one glaring error:

Assuming that the mechanical bits are working correctly (there is only two moving parts) and the metal itself doesn’t fail there isn’t much that can go wrong.