Miguel Ortiz

The world could always use more heroes.

This is such an easy troll move, man... why even? Attacking things nerds or geeks like is just low tier trolling, I swear.

Anybody else getting a Ryoma/Xander vibe from the Legendaries?


Doesn’t work that way with emulation

Hmm... my calender says it’s only March 9th...

Then make it new IP. Don’t fucking piggyback this shit with a loved franchise.

You know, I never cared much for E. G. Daily’s shrill/raspy Tommy Pickles/Buttercup voice. I actually like this voice much more. Not sure I’ll like any other Blossom and Bubbles is straight up irreplaceable.

I... I thought this was a cosplay article...

I’m surprised Hi-Rez didn’t tap into the weaboo market sooner. I know that one goddess had a kawaii skin, though.

This is why I love having an Amazon account.

I literally just reblogged a post Tumblr begging that 2016 bring less Undertale to my dash. (Coincidentally, it also mentioned One Punch Man and, uncoincidentally, Halsey.)

I didn’t think the ending was THAT ambiguous. You saved the world. 500 years later humans are extinct. Even the best films don’t show a “where are they now” for protagonists. Do we even care about Jessie Eisenburg’s character after Zombie Land?

I swear this better be 3 episodes.

I’m totally cool with alienating established MOBA players. That’s the audience more likely to bring in toxicity.

I... like this! Especially if we see some Tribes elements!

I always knew that if a Final Fantasy character was going to be in Smash, it’d have to be one of three: Warrior of Light, representative of the first FF on NES, Cloud Strife, pretty much representative of FF as whole for people growing up in the late nineties/early millennium, or the star whatever new FF game had just

That’s business thinking, not people thinking.

So, then, what? It’s a MOFPS?

Yeah, it would require a full on rewrite. Maybe paraphrase some cheesy 80’s movie quotes.